P90X Jan starters ...


Good Morning ladies ..

HA . Wendy beat you to it this morning .. LOL

I am one of those people who do not do JAVA in the morning too .. I love the smell but can not stand the taste .. in fact I don't have any caffiene at all .. can't due to kidney stone problems .. but I sure do wish there was something I could do like coffee that would jump start me in the morning ..

I have major DOMS in the biceps from yesterday .. YIKES .. guess it was the few reps I did w/higher weight .. ???

the 1/2 cardio . 1/2 yoga was EXCELLENT...except I had 2 brand new people that could not even do the basic up up down down that were completely lost .. and walked out .. I tried to get them to stay until the yoga part but think they were embarrassed .. I hate that .. but to come to advanced step cardio class and get in the front row and not even know the basic step .. . ?? .. but I still feel bad when someone is completely lost .. aahhhhhh - wish they would have stayed for the yoga .. it was oh so nice!!

today is rest day for me .. we are doing another cooking to raise money for the American Cancer society here at work .. about to hit the kitchen right now ..

tomorrow going to do either core synergy or yoga X .. at the beach .. beautiful weather I am excited!!

OK .. gotta run .. have a great day ladies .. and great workouts!!:7
Good Morning Ladies,

Well Laura's here anyway. Where is everyone? I haven't worked out yet but have legs & back on tap for today. Oh, and I'm definitely a coffee drinker. I usually workout first thing and get my coffee after my workout.

I've not had a good morning. I woke up to dh yelling at ds. When dh went to leave for work he noticed that ds did not put the food in the freezer last night-and it sat out on the garage floor all night. Now ds has to come up with chores to cover the cost of the food he left out. It sounds likes my house will be spotless before dh is home from work. Well it will be as clean as an 11 yr old can clean ;-)

Poochy-I'm sure you are disappointed that the 2 new people left. I agree that if they are new they should have taken a beginner class and not an advanced. I'm on week 10 and I think you might be on week 11. Is that right? Anyway, we are close to the end so I am sticking it out. I even contemplate doing another x rotation.

Wendy-you must be sleepin' in after your marathon workouts yesterday:) I had much more energy when I was your age. You certainly help me stay motivated.

Nancy-you must have body dysmorphia. You are beautiful and don't let any one tell you otherwise!

Angie-way to go on the 3lb weight loss. That is so awesome. I have about 25lbs to lose and it is a real struggle for me. I also have hypothyroidism and take medication for that. My dr. said I will have to work much harder to lose the weight and stay at my goal weight that those who do not have hypothyroidism. I'm doing weight watchers right now but I hate the thought of having to count points for the rest of my life. I'm simply an overeater and ww helps me stay in control. Fitness Freaks rotations can be found on the rotation forum. I can email you the endurance rotation if you pm me your email address.

Marcia-what are you up to today?

Have a great day everyone.

Hey Ladies.


Laura: Thanks for starting us off this morning! I remember when I was first learning step with Cathe. It can be quite frustrating and difficult to pick up at first. I made the mistake of starting with Power Max! :eek: I quickly realized the error in my ways and ordered basic step/body fusion shortly thereafter! LOL I can understand why those ladies walked out. Not your fault by any means...they need to begin at the beginning...Some folks can stick it out in a situation like that w/o getting upset and leaving. I couldn't. I feel like I'm wasting my time if I can't grasp the moves.

Diana: LOL, I actually was up at 5am this morning! DOH! I just had rocks in my brain and forgot to start the check in. :7 I'm glad I keep you motivated. It motivates me to know that I motivate you!...Did you get that?? LOLOL :7

I have legs and back on tap. No ARX though. Since I just did it y'day I will tack it on w/my run tmrw. I am sleepy though so I think I am going to take a power nap before I begin my work out. I have become addicted to them...not good! ;)

I am a definate java drinker!!! OMG, I drink it day and night! I used to drink regular all day and night and never had a trouble sleeping. Now I have to switch to decaf after dinner. I don't care though. I just LOVE coffee!:9 I need my caffeine in the morning and after a nap when I take one but other then that I could drink decaf all day long and be perfectly happy. :+ I probably drink 5 cups of coffee a day on average. I also drink alot of water though. I am no longer a soda drinker either so that's good. I only have one on occasion when I am out some where.

Okay, enough babbling out of me!

Hey Everybody -

Busy day and night in front of me. I'm tired.....

No, I don't have body dysmorphia--well, maybe a little. I meant to say that they would think I'm a tub at 120 lbs. at 5'. Most that posted were 120 at 5'8". A few years ago I made it down to 107 and I tell you that I looked sick. Matter of fact, people at work were asking me if I "felt OK". No...I'll never get down there again. I'd like to be 112 - 115 though.;-)

Thanks for the compliments, girls. I really love having this check-in to come to - - even when I can't exercise, like this evening.

Have a great night! I'll check-in tomorrow (but only after I workout), lol.

Nancy:) :)
Thanks for joining us Wendy. You are too funny:) I think it is great that you can take naps when needed. Don't feel bad about that. Being a mom is demanding work all day everyday. I have 3 boys that are 18, middle one will be 17 tomorrow, and 11. The 11 yr old keeps us on our toes. Is there a daughter in your future? As you can see, I tried 3 times to no avail. After 3rd ds, dh thought we should have one more so he would have a playmate. He was concerned because he was so much younger than his brothers. As you can tell, there are no more children in my future, except for grandchildren of course.
Well legs & back is done and I also did coremax 3. I really wanted to do a cardio workout today but need to start baking soon for dh's party tomorrow.

Poochy-I just checked out your pictures and look fabulous.

Nancy, I am with you on the weight thing and so is Laura! LOL Go check out our posts in the "weight range" thread on the open forum and you'll understand!:)

Diana, So do you LIKE to bake or is it a forced thing? I have a little one whom I fear I will have to start baking for soon...I am not a baker. I really never did it. Not even the cookies from the refridge section that you cut and stick on a cookie sheet! LOL Should be a learning experience! LOL I am not looking forward to it though...I don't want to eat all of that cr@p! x( Ah well...such is the life of a mother, right? I may just have to start doing 2 work outs on a daily basis then!}( ;) :p

Well, my 20 minute power nap turned out to be muuuuuuuch longer and so now I really don't have time for L&B before DS gets up. I can do it when he goes down for the night but I probably won't want to so I think it'll be a gym night (love that daycare!LOL). I'll run like I was going to tmrw and just do L&B/ARX tmrw. No biggie. This is one of the reasons why, as a mom, I LOVE having the option of the gym available to me!:)
Actually Wendy, I love to bake. I'm not much for cooking dinner, but I love to bake. Candy isn't really my thing either, but warm chewy brownies or chocolate chip cookies I can really go for. I do bake alot for the boys birthdays and sometimes just because I want to.

I'm sorry - here I am ....... Busy girl from now until Monday. :)

I have to bartend at our bar tonight and we have a karaoke contest so we'll be busy which means good tips. :) YIPPEE...... Tomorrow Tastefully Simple Open House, so I've been baking all kinds of stuff for people to taste. Sunday, teach Sunday School and I have a TS party in a nearby town to do. Huh.....I'll be one tired girly on Sunday night.

But, today is a rest day because I've been going at in hard all week and I think the rest will be good, but I'm sure to get a little cardio in while bartending for eight hours.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will try to get in here and check in if I get time. :)

Take care,
Hi girls!

TGIF!!! Well, I was in the computer store today for 3 hours getting all of the info. out of my old computer and into the new one. What a pain. I have Norton on my old computer, and I guess it caused all kinds of problems trying to get info. out of the harddrive. Isn't that the point??? But, computer guy says Norton and McAfee are actually sub-par security programs. Who knew? I'm such a computer idiot!:-( Oh I hope there is a class action suit against Dell, if not I guess I'll just have to sell it on e-bay for parts for about $200. Oh, well - live and learn. Computer guy said as far as he knows all of his laptops that he's built are still in use. He says he built one for the hospital 8 years ago and it is still going strong. Now, that's my kind of laptop!!!:)

Laura - NO COFFEE?!?!? I bow to you...... Aren't bicep DOMS just the best? I love them. Tony calls them the glamour muscles and I couldn't agree more. Love to work the bi's. Good luck on your fundraiser this weekend.

Diana - Endurance Rotation? Do I wanna know? LOL Is it a combo of Cathe and Tony or just Cathe? And I'm with you on warm brownies and cookies....yuummmmmmmmmyyyyy!!:9 But, I also like candy too, especially chocolate. I found some twinkies yesterday that are under 3g sugar and 140 calories - they are called yogurt cakes and even though they aren't twinkies, they weren't bad. For me it's all about finding acceptable alternatives.

Wendy - My first Cathe workout was AllStep. LOL! I remember how mad I was when I first tried it! I was just too stubborn to let it get the best of me so I kept at it until I got it. Now, it's one of my favorite workouts. I can see why people would just give up if they didn't know there were much better (easier to learn) beginner Cathe videos out there. I too have almost given up the soda. I was a big diet pepsi drinker but now that I make sure I get my 64 oz. of water in, it's hard to squeeze in a lot of pop. I do have one every now and then but nothing like I used to. Power naps are good for you Wendy. Don't give them up. Unfortunately I can't do them because I slip into a deep sleep very quickly and I can't take just a 20-45 minute snooze. No, when I go to sleep, I'm out for hours.

Nancy - you must still be working out...... You go girl! :D

Marcia - Hope you get good tips tonight. Sometimes being a bartender can be such a drag. I used to waitress and there were good nights with cool customers and nights with jerks! Hopefully you get the cool cats tonight! Is the X still keeping you motivated?

Well I finished Cardio Fusion today and burned 510 calories according to my HRM. Yowsa!! So tomorrow is like cooks choice day with my workouts. I so miss IMAX2, Cardio & Weights, and Allstep, but I'm also kickin around Coresyn.....Oh, what to do....I'll see how I feel tomorrow. I'm such a happy camper today! I don't really know why and I don't care! It might be the beautiful spring weather, the 3# loss, or maybe the fact that it's Friday or a combo of all. I love this feeling!!:) Wish I could bottle it so I could chug it during those PMS days - LOL! Have a great night all!!

Angie, Good job on the Cardio Fusion work out tonight! One day I will be capable of that work out. I need to finish the X and "get up to speed" on Cathe's new choreo first though. I am still very much in need of the "teaching section" of the work outs right now. :p

Well, I got to the gym tonight and ran 3.77 miles in 40 mins with the help of a new Itread I purchased. It's 6 mins of fast endurance running with 1 minute walking breaks BUT these breaks are either fast speed walks or large inclines so there is still a challenge to it. It was an awesome work out! TOUGH but doable. LOVED IT!}( So it's Legs and Back and ARX tomorrow. :)

Hope everyone has a good evening!


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