P90X Jan Grads/Fed Starters, Wednesday


Happy Hump Day Ladies!:)

WOW, I just realized that it's almost the end of April already! That means I'll only have squeezed in 2 weeks of BBC before May begins and Cathe posts her newest rotation! Now I don't know what to do. I was going to check out Cathe's rotation and do if I liked it but I was somehow thinking I would have atleast 3 weeks with BBC first. Should I stick with BBC and go for Cathe's June rotation instead or do May if I like it and then I can go back to BBC if I want? Decisions, decisions!:p

Today I have a run planned...It's a work out of convenience and circumstance. I usually do not like to run 2 days in a row but I will be at the gym for an hour after my shift waiting for a meeting to start so I might as well make the most of it. On the other hand, I just realized that Saturday's scheduled run probably won't happen. I have a Communion to go to in NY state so I have to be outta here nlt 9am! To get to the gym to run and still be ready to go on time probably will NOT happen so maybe today's run is a GOOD thing after all! I will probably just do something at home on saturday...

Am I driving you ladies crazy yet!? :7 :7 :7

I wonder if today will be as nice as the past 2 days were? I think I heard it was supposed to cool off some and possibly rain. If that's the case then I guess I'm SOL for one more day in paradise. :-(

Okay...enough babbling....I'll bbl!
Wendy - you are too funny.....have a few cups of coffee this morning already ;-) :7 ;-)

I think you should see what Cathe has in store for a rotation in May and either work your BBC in with it or if you like it then finish BBC another time. Whatever is going to get you in there to workout and motivate you would be my choice.

I have only a few more weeks before my teaching is done for the summer and I can start P90X up again. I CAN'T WAIT!!! I see it on my TV stand every day and just yearn to get to it, but with teaching classes I wouldn't be able to handle both right now.

I hope everyone has a great workout today, I have circuit class tonight, so I'll be busy workin' those girls hard }(

Morning Ladies!

My morning is starting off stressfull .. someone dropped a dog off by my house .. freaking ticks me off to no end . . I have big dogs that are house dogs and fenced .. but one smaller dog outside .. this dog was as big as my big dogs .. beautiful boxer dog .. ears clipped and everything .. but no collar .. aahhhhhhh .. I live in the country and sorry @$$ people let their dogs get pregnant and don't want them so they use my road to drop them off (how we got the outside stray .. pregnant and scared) .. aahhhhhhx( x( x(

OK .. I am SORE from my weighted sculpting class .. LOL .. know my class is hurting .. b/c they sure were moaning a lot last night.

Cathe.. not sure which workout you were talking about .. core torture class (named by my students) consist of a lot of plyo work - balance work - low and controlled lower body work (similar to core synergy) - yoga mat work - and plank work. It IS a killer!!}( .. my weighted sculpting class .. is all weights .. no rest for an hour .. I set it up to where we work each set of opposing muscles back to back three sets of about 20 reps for each exercise! It is ALSO a killer! I only do it once every 2 weeks .. LOL! :D

I teach at the local gym after work .. 4 days a week .. Monday is 60 min. circuit (step and weights) - Tuesday is 60 min. Core Torture or cardio kickboxing - Wednesday is 60 min. all cardio or 45 min. 6 step shaping w/plyo work .. and Thursday is usually 60 min. power yoga (sometimes I will do 1/2 cardio .. 12/ yoga) ..

Wendy sounds like your day is full once again .. LOL! I plan on doing my first BBC Thursday at lunch .. just the weight part .. get ready for some fussing .. LOL!

Angie .. I did P90X along w/my classes and it was TOUGH .. it took some major planning on my part to get it done!

Ok .. today have legs in the gym at lunch.. then have a "administrative professionals" appreciation dinner .. catered w/the VP .. will be nice .. great food. Tonight (no class) will be LONG run .. LOL!:7

OK .. better run .. have a great day and great workouts
Hi ladies!

Wendy :: I agree with Marcia…keep going with BBC, then see what the May rotation entails…if you like it, go with it and maybe work BBC in wherever you can.

Marcia :: Oh! I didn’t realize you took a break from the X. Enjoy tonight’s punishment! :)

Laura :: both of those classes sound intense...you've got a full load in addition to work. Sorry about the dog situation…that’s sad. Can't understand how irresponsible people are...Enjoy your lunch.

I am home today…am afraid I may have pinkeye so I took a sick day…but can’t get into the doc until 5:30...Finished S&A + ARX ...feels good to have it out of the way.

Hi to all who follow!

~Cathy :)
Hi ladies,

I did Imax 3 this morning and plan on doing BBC Shoulders & Back. I just weighed in and was up a pound. It is so discouraging. I even felt skinny today and what a disappointment at the scale. Oh well, I'll just keep pluggin away.

Wendy-Why not finish your 3 weeks of BBC and then start the May rotation? I'm thinking of doing 3 weeks of BBC and then looking for another rotation to follow.

Marcia-you are one busy lady too. I hope you get the results your looking for from the X.

Laura-How sad to hear about people dropping off their unwanted pregnant animals near your home. I can't believe people do that. Your classes sound like so much fun to me. I used to take a turbokick class (kickboxing) and absolutely enjoyed it.

Cathy-S&A is one of my favorite P90X workouts. I certainly hope you don't have pink eye. Good luck.

Good Evening Ladies.

I ended up doing 60 mins of YogaX this afternoon. I was in an awful mood when I got home from work so I took a short nap but it didn't help. The yoga helped though. :)

Speaking of yoga...I received Shiva's Yoga Shakti in the mail today. I previewed about 10 mins of it...Okay, how do I say this nicely?? I HATE IT! ACK! LOL :p I can't even return it cause I opened it. Grrrrr! That's the price I pay for being cheap. If I had ordered from Collage I could have returned it. Oh well!:-(

Anywho...Dinner is eaten and cleaned up. I am enjoying my after dinner cup of java before heading off to the gym for my run. :)

Marica: Enjoy your circuit class tonight. Trust me, I am ALWAYS drinking my share of coffee!:9

Laura: So which BBC will you be taking on this week? Sorry about the dog. What are you going to do?

Cathy: So is it pink eye? Good job getting S&A/ARX out of the way today!

Diana: My problem is that I wanted to start Cathe's rotation at the beginning of the month with anyone else doing it *IF* I decide I want to do that. This would mean only *2* weeks of BBC before that could happen. Grrrr. LOL Good job with IM3 and BBC S&B!

Okay...ALmost time for me to skeedaddle my bootie off to the gym!

Have a great night folks!:7
Hi girls

I did BBC Shoulders and Abs for the first time. I think this is my favorite one. The length is good - both weights and non-TM cardio clocked in a just over an hour. I liked the exercises - challenging but do-able. And Joey - I like his pace (not too talkative and not too fast) not to mention not bad to look at.:D I did however, wish there was more of a cooldown at the end. I think the next time I will do the cardio first and then do the weights. I think I am gonna feel Joey tomorrow - ohhhhh doesn't that sound naughty?}( :eek:

Wendy - time is flying by isn't it? No BBC rotation for me. I like the workouts but not enough to make a rotation out of them. A lot of the cardio is the same (or at least is seemed that way) and I really need to play it without the music and play my own. Since all the workouts have the same music, it is starting to wear thin on me.;( They are definitely a good addition to my workout library however, and I just can't wander too far from Tony and Cathe. So are you missing Tony yet??? Maybe a bit too soon for that?

Marcia - P90X over summer break - your students will not believe the transformation when you come back in the fall.:) Sounds like a fun summer!

Laura - So what'd ya do with the dog? Why don't people just take their dogs to the humane society?? Makes no sense to me.;( So sorry that happened to you - very unfair for you to have to handle it.
So did you make any decisions regarding the beach house? Lemme guess - I'll bet you've been thinking about it on your long runs? You'll come up with something good I'm sure. I do some of my best thinking when I'm doing cardio, unless it's Cathe - then I'm just concentrating on choreo. :7

Cathy - I see antibiotics in your future.;( If that's the case, it should clear up pretty fast for you. At least you can still get your workouts in. Sending healing vibes your way/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Diana - Sorry to hear that the scale is not being kind, but don't let it get ya down. It is frustrating, but I always look forward to the following week when I go up on the scale b/c usually the following week is much better.

OK Nancy - where'd ya go?

Have a great evening ladies and to all who follow


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