I hear so much goos about P90X that I'm seriously considering shelling out the cash and going for it. My hubby will prob think I'm nuts
What do I need as far as equipment? I puttered around the website, but couldn't find the answer, all they do is proclaim how wonderful it is. I sent an email to cust svc to ask them, and all I got was the generic "thanks for your question, we'll get back to you" email. Which they never did. That happened 2x. Do I really want to buy from a company who can't answer a question for someone who wants to spend her $$?? I gathered from the pictures that I need a chin up bar, and assortment of dumbells, and a barbell. I don't have a chin up bar, nor do I really have a place to put one. Can I get thru the rotation w/out a chin up bar? Or do I really need one? Any other special equipment needed?