P90X AB Ripper...just the thing


I have Cathe's core tape but I have to say that I think the AB Ripper out of the P90X series is the hardest ab tape I have ever done.....EVER!!!! This may be just the thing my lower abs needed since I can feel them hurt for days after. Anyone else feel this way??

I haven't done Ab Ripper X for quite a while, but it (and P90X in general) got my core in great shape. I started seeing a "two pack" after using it, and could do a pike for the first time after doing P90X and AbRipperX for a while.
I love Ab Ripper X and make sure that I do it regularly. The mason twists at the end always kill me!

Hey Tina,
LOVE, LOVE, L0VE AB Ripper !! Like others, is was not until AB Ripper did I really start to see some changes in my abs !!
I would love to try this workout - but how can you buy it without the ENTIRE package? When I think of P90X and Tony Horton, Power 90 comes to mind and I just wonder 'how' different P90X is... but I hear lots of positives about the P90X Ab Ripper workout... again, is it available by itself?
I did some searching because I was interested as well, and you can buy it separately for $24.95 at beachbody.com. By the way, not to be cheap, but I also found the list of exercises and rep numbers in a videofitness.com review site. I guess the others who have the workout could advise us if it's worth buying or if just following the list of exercises and reps in the correct pattern would do just as well. Would rather spend $24.95 on a new Cathe workout. :)
AB ripper X ROCKS...Those Mason twists always get me too...I always yell through that part trying to make it to the end without taking a break..then if I take a break I Curse loudly...LOL
This is a great 15 minutes ab routine. These are the hardest ab exercises I have ever done.The mason twist and the roll-up/v-up combo are the hardest exercises of Ab Ripper for me.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Hi Kathryn:

I noticed you said that this helped you break through to a two pack back in the day. I have a two pack and a three pack is breaking through . . . although I'm not progressing as quickly as I would like. I think I will buy this ab ripper, but did you have any other workouts or things that helped you break through to a six pack?
I have to agree.I did ab ripper the other day & I am sore.I hadn't done it in awhile.The weight work of that series is also the ultimate ! I love alternating Tony & Cathe .What a pair
Take care
I think I will buy this ab ripper, but did
>you have any other workouts or things that helped you break
>through to a six pack?

Ha! I don't have a 6-pack, still at two (and I don't WANT a six pack, either, because I dont like that "lumpy intestines" look that comes with it. I'm fine with a lean two-pack...or maybe a 4-pack).

I actually think several P90X workouts really helped: Ab Ripper (which I skipped a lot of times), Core Synergistics (a fantastic core workout), PlyoX (lots of jump turn moves that have you switching direction).

Also helpful for strengthing the core, IMO, have been Core Secrets. Intermediate workouts, but the focus on the core is excellent, and a lot of functional, 1-legged moves that involve the core. I like to use these as part of a less-intense "recovery" week (P90X showed me that these are important, and that if you focus on the core during those weeks, you can come back to the strength training workouts even stronger. I did a coupld of weeks of a Core Secrets-based rotation before starting the Gym Styles, and I think it really helped me go after those full-bore. Not only the core, but stabiliziing and supporting muscles are worked.)

It also helped me to strengthen the core to add some resistance to my ab work (I usually hold an Ooof ball or medicine ball, or a Smartbell--anywhere from 2 to 6 pounds usually, but sometimes I've gone to 10 or 20 pounds--I go either weightless or very light when dong oblique work, though, because I don't want to add width).

Also important, IMO, is kickboxing. Punches and kicks all bring the core into play.
>I would love to try this workout - but how can you buy it
>without the ENTIRE package? When I think of P90X and Tony
>Horton, Power 90 comes to mind and I just wonder 'how'
>different P90X is... but I hear lots of positives about the
>P90X Ab Ripper workout... again, is it available by itself?

Ab ripper also comes on the DVD's with any of the other weight workouts (to make sure that you don't forget to do it...but I often did "forget"!). So you can pick up a great workout like 'Shoulders and arms" AND Ab RIpper on the same DVD. If the Ab Ripper DVD by itself is the same price, then it's a much better deal to get two.

I've never had P90, but I've seen the commmercials, and have read a lot of discussion about it. It seems much different from P90X (for starters, much more beginner/intermediate. Also, P90X is a very well thought-out system that has a rotation developed for it--that was developed before the workouts were even created, and not as an afterthought. It taught me a lot about rotations, the importance of recovery--both amount and type, the importance of functional and core work, and how the sequence of exercises can be time efficient and more effectively allow for recovery so you can lift heavier. I made strength gains almost every time I worked out). A closer comparison would be "Power Half Hour" and P90X. PHH is kind of a mini version of some of what P90X is like. It contains 5 EXCELLENT (IMO) 1/2 hour workouts: abs (like a less intense Ab Ripper X), buns, thighs, arms (actually full upper body...why they just call it "arms" is beyond me), stretch.

I just did the PHH upper body workout last week, and it is very time efficient (supersetting chest/back, then cycling shoulders/biceps/triceps, with some stretches within the workout). I could go as heavy as I went with P90X (and that's heavier than I can go with Cathe). Similar to P90X, but no pull-ups.
I had worked my way up to doing ARX holding a 3# Ooof ball (and seated on my rebounder, that added some challenge and intensity). Hmm...maybe I should break it out again and see what I can do now!

It's about time for me to do a P90X rotation (after I finally get rid of this (*&#! cold!) Or maybe that's a good idea for Christmas break (3 weeks off...which would give me lots of time to sleep and nap during the initial stages of P90X, which I found was very necessary!)
I love alternating Tony & Cathe .What a
>Take care

Next time I do a P90X rotation, I plan to use IMAX2 and KPC to sometimes sub for PlyoX and Kenpo X (I subbed for Kenpo X sometimes when I did my previous rotation). I will also probably alternate between Tony's lower body workout and one of Cathe's (GSL?). That's the one area that I didn't think had enough for me in P90X.

Tony's upper body strength work and core work + Cathe's cardio and lower body work = expected faaabulous results!
Thanks Kathryn for your input, it is extremely helpful! Also, I had to laugh outloud when you said "that lumpy intestine look".
I have been wondering if p90x was worth me buying since I have a lot of Cathe. How is the yoga workout? Does anyone regret buying the series?

>I have been wondering if p90x was worth me buying since I have
>a lot of Cathe. How is the yoga workout? Does anyone regret
>buying the series?

Yoga X was actually the workout that got me interested in yoga (I'd tried it off and on, but never really got into it). It's an advanced yoga workout about 90 minutes long if you do it all.

I have absolutely no regrets about buying it. In fact, I consider P90X one of my best workout purchases EVER.

I just did the ab ripper routine by following a write up from video fitness that listed all of the exercises. The only one that I could figure out from the description was the second last one and she called it "leg climbs". Describing it as lying on the floor, one leg bent and I couldn't figure out what the move was. Thought maybe you wouldn't mind elaborating for me. BTW, my abs are throbbing.
"leg climbs". Describing it as
>lying on the floor, one leg bent and I couldn't figure out
>what the move was. Thought maybe you wouldn't mind
>elaborating for me. BTW, my abs are throbbing.

Let's see if I can explain (lots of this are more easily seen than described!).

Lie on your back, legs bent and feet on floor. Lift one leg up perpendicular to the floor. Do a curl while "climbing' your legs with your hands, trying to get up as high as you can in two or three climbs, then "climb" back down. (Or: reach for your calf with one hand, then immediately reach for your foot with the other, then back down).

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