Thanks Kathryn, I totally get it now. My abs are super sore today. Here are the exercises as described on a video review that I found in case anybody wants them.
11 exercises--25 reps of each exercise in this order:
In and Outs (picture being in boat pose and moving your legs in and out)
Bicycle-Same as in and outs but with a bicyle movement
Bicycle in reverse
Crunchy Frog- In and outs with your hands out at your sides bringing them in and wrapping your legs close to your chest
Fifer Scissors-lying on your back one leg hovering over the floor, one up and a 90degree angle both feet flexed and changing them scissor style
Hip Rock and Raise-sort of reverse crunches
Pulse-ups/Heels to Heaven-Reverse crunches with straight legs
V-up roll ups-Similar to a teaser
Obliques-side lying lifting legs and shoulder up at same time, kind of an oblique crunch
Leg climbs-lying on back one leg bent, one leg extended rolling up to top
Mason twist-Oblique twists done VERY quickly with legs raised up off the floor