overhead tricep extensions


There are (at least) 2 different kinds of overhead tricep extensions throughout Cathe's dvd's. One has you holding one dumbbell with both hands on the same end of the thick end of the dumbbell. The dumbbell is in a vertical position. This is done in Gym Style Chest and Triceps and MuscleMax. The other version also has one dumbbell, but you put each hand on a thick end and the dumbbell is in a horizontal position. This version is in Muscle Endurance.

Is it just me, or does any one else find the first version much more difficult? How do they work the triceps differently?

Not Cathe here!

Personally, I feel absolutely nothing at all when I do the first type.
I could do them till the cows come home, and the only thing that would get tired would be my shoulders from holding the weight up there.

I've always wondered if I'm doing it wrong, or if certain exercises just don't do anything for certain people.

The second I definitley feel. I've heard in the past that the different hand position allows for isolation of the triceps.
Just speculation on my part.
Not Cathe either, but have a few thoughts. The overheads really tax the shoulders, I have to use at least 25 pounds to "feel" it in the triceps, and even then, I am not nuts about this particular exercise. Personally, I love the lying across the body extensions, kickbacks-I really feel these babies, and dips-I hate 'em, but boy do they work.}(

I believe the overheads really work the longer head of the triceps, if however you can really target this muscle in your mind, otherwise it seems your shoulders can take it instead. I truly believe not every exercise is meant for everybody. I simply sub one exercise for another if I feel like a particular exercise is not for my body type. Everyone has different limb lengths, which makes certain movements easier or more difficult. For instance, a very long legged person has one heck of a time with squats! The knees can really take it, where as a shorter legged person has a great time, and can squat all day long!

I think its a matter of finding what exercises work for you, there are so many of them, you are bound to find one that works for you!:)
I can't even do the second kind with any substantial weight (finger are too skinny? I just can't hold the dumbbell that way!)

I usually use 20# and more for this move, which is too much for me to hold it in the horizontal way.
Jeanne I agree with you. When I do ME and hold one DB for tricep extensions I really feel it quickly. This may be because when I hold the DB with two hands and lower it I'm keeping good form but when I do the tricep extensions with one hand at a time, I find that my elbow goes out of proper alignnment (I'm cheating :+ )
Hi Jeanne! Various positions recruit muscle fibers differently. In this case, I can go much heavier and deeper with the dumbbell held vertically, so for strength I prefer this one. The horizontal grip limits how heavy I can go due to the finger grip being secure around a wider/heavier dumbbell head. But I can usually grab a 12 or 15 pounder like this and go for high reps/definition. Variation is good, so I like to use both grips wherever it best suits my workout. Hope this helps!
I used to have a horrible time holding on to the dumbbell when doing 1-arm tricep extension, my form suffered, and I wound up getting nothing from them but frustration. I tried wearing gardening gloves (all knit with a tacky vinyl coating on the palm side) and now I can hold those puppies with no slipping. In fact, these gloves (as opposed to actual weight training gloves) are useful for getting a better grip on all sorts of tricky pieces of equipment AND they better protect your manicure.

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