Overall Review of Barrys Bootcamp



2. The NonTM cardio portions are killer
3. Effective use of minimal equipment
4. Short and effective cardio segments
5. Loved the plank work and core work overall
6. Difficulty overall is a 9/10
7. I loved the instructor in Total Body and the Arms one


1. Cueing
2. Tell you ahead of time how much weight to use
( light/med/heavy/super heavy even would have been nice )
3. the music was too loud on some dvds

I admit on some of the dvds I would need to go heavier with my weights which is why I would give it an intermediate rating at first, but on three of the dvds I really pushed hard on weights and cardio segments and totally felt it!
I pretty much agree with your review. Which instructor are you talking about? Doesn't Barry teach the total body workout? It's been awhile since I've done these. One of the reasons I fell in love with this series was because once I got to know what weight to use I got a killer weight workout done in only 30 min. The floor cardio is super tough and quite high impact, which means I can't do it too often or my joints get upset.

I'm glad they lowered the price so more people can enjoy them. They created quite the buzz when they first came out but I waited until they sold on QVC before buying them. I think I paid $29 for the series (originally sold for over $60!) but I felt they were worth every penny.

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