Outdoor runners-quick question-HELP!



I'm minutes away from embarking on my first OUTDOOR run. I have been using a treadmill for a couple of months now...Anywhooo...for the gals who run outside:

Do you take water with you when you run and if so, how do you carry it during the run?

The only thing I have that I think might work is a belly bag BUT...

1)I feel like a dork!:p

2)Is it going to annoy me with this thing flopping at my waist the whole time??

TIA for any quick responses!:+
Hi Wendy....nah, don't even worry about carrying water. Just remember to drink some before you go. You are NOT a dork!!! Just go out and have fun taking in the view....:)
Hi, Wendy. I vote with Carole. Drink before you go, and drink when you're done. If the bag is just going to annoy you, it's not worth it!


RUN, WENDY, RUN!!!!!!!!

Hey Wendy-
I haven't taken a water bottle wtih me yet on an outdoor run. But my runs are now an hour or longer and it is getting warmer here in upstate NY. Just yesterday, I bought 8 oz. water bottles with squeeze tops and plan to carry one on my next outdoor run. I would not go with a bottle in a belly bag because the bouncing would be really annoying.

Also there are workout tops available with little pockets in the back to hold a water bottle.
Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


On long runs (over an hour) in the summer, I used to use a Camelbak.

This may seem a little crazy, but my neighbor used to drive her running route (before she ran it) and somewhere in the middle, she'd leave a water bottle by a tree.

For shorter distances, though, I agree you are fine without it.
When I go out I do wear a small fanny pack/belly bag, but its more for other things that just water. I do have a small 4 oz water bottle in there when its hot, just to get me by if my mouth gets dry, my cell phone, Ipod and a kleenex or two. Yeah, I'm probably a little paranoid about running outside and think of all the what if's, but its what works for me.
I drink out of neighbors' hoses. Is that gross? There's something very nice about the taste of water from the hose, it reminds me of being a kid.
So do I!:p I carry my phone, my garage door opener, my keys, my phone, and a small face cloth. I felt kind of dorky at first, but I feel better having my stuff just in case. I've been locked out without a phone before, and I don't want to experience it again. :)
I just recently did a 5 mile hike. Well, my husband called and when the call was done I didn't want to stop hiking to put it back in my pack. So what did I do? I stuck it right down in my sports bra in the front. Later as I'm taking my boots off in the blazer I go to get the phone and realize that it isn't in my pack and I start thinking all kinds of things, maybe I laid it down, dropped it, etc. Then I remembered that it was in my sports bra. Duh! I'm just glad it DIDN'T fall out.
***I get way too sweaty to put anything in my sports bra***
A mobile phone or Ipod would get moisture damaged I am sure.

But I like the idea of carrying a phone; however I run wtih friends and don't carry one. The Ipod goes on my arm and the 8 oz. water bottle in my waist band until I sweat. Then I just carry it.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


Come to think of it, I didn't really get that sweaty that day. I'm going to REI tomorrow to buy the Camelbak phone holder for 10 bucks. That thing can strap onto anything.

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