Our house was vadalized!!


I got up this morn, took the dogs out and on my way back in noticed writing on my garage door. I won't repeat the nasty things they said. But there was graffiti on our windows and shutters and stuff trashed in the yard. Oh and my neighbors stuff was on my front porch!! Needless to say, she was vandalized too. Police have been here, taken a report and left. Probably teens out getting their kicks. But it's still scary! We are a interracial couple and I thank god there were no racial slurs. I would have really been worried then. I just don't get what kids get out of this sort of thing???



so sorry you had to be the victim of this. we had this epidemic awhile back in roanoke,va. they finally caught them, in fact several students from here on a class trip to NYC, were charged with throwing paint cans on police cars in NYC!!!! they all claim they were "expressing" themselves writing things everywhere. needless to say they were eventually caught around here and were charged here as well. hopefully you will have the same ending. i know kids go through this thing were they have to act a badass but destroying somebody elses property putting them through hell,well they will get what they deserve.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Oh Catherine, what a horrible thing to wake up to...so sorry. You work so hard to keep your world just the way you want it, and to have someone destroy your hard work is such a shame. I hope they catch the vandals!

I am very sorry to hear about this happening! I know it's very scary, but just be thankful that they didn't break into your house and attempt to hurt you!
Catherine, I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's really shocking what people will do these days. I'm so glad you weren't hurt but confident that you could beat the crap out of any one that tried to hurt you}( .
Oh My!!! That is so upsetting!! I am so sorry that happened to you! I really hope they catch up to the vandals! I would not be showing too much mercy! That is horrible!

{{{{{{HUGE HUG}}}}}}}}

I am so sorry this happened to you. Don't drive yourself crazy asking WHY? There is no reason for why! I recently had my car stolen from out side of where I live and I was doing that too. WHY? Just a bunch of idiots with no respect for anyone or anything. I hope you can feel safe in your home still. I can relate to what you are going through. Feel free to PM me.

Oh I did get my car back!

Catherine: I'm sorry this happened to you. At least no one was hurt.

And I don't think there is any logical reason behind what vandals do. They just have some anger that they don't know what to do with.

Since there were no racial slurs, they probably aren't targeting you specifically, just out "having fun" as they see it.

Hope they get caught and punished.
Oh how sad Catherine! Glad no one was hurt and I hope they catch them. I'm surprised your dogs didn't hear them. Good Luck with the clean-up! :-(

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

I'm so sorry this happened to you and am thankful noone was hurt. It's such a violated feeling, isn't it?

BTW, I too know you'd whip butt if you caught the hoolagins.;-)
Oh Catherine, I'm sooo sorry to hear that you and your neighbors were vandalized. That's absolutely terrible! I hope they find those who did such a horrible thing!

I'm so sorry.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
I'm sooo sorry this happened to you! It's hard not to get upset when stuff like this happens, I'm sure. We had our lawn all messed up one time...my husband is VERY particular about the lawn...anyhow, he sat outside with a baseball bat :7 :7 :7 Of course it was in vane. No one came back. I don't know what made him think they would!! I felt bad but when you put it in perspective...it could have been A LOT worse. Give yourself enough time to be ticked off and move on.
Yeah, I was a little concerned about DH sitting outside in the dark last night. You just don't know what people will do. I still think this was a group of teens, but you never know what they may be carrying - gun etc.

I think we'll be over it relatively quick.



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