Our employees are SO RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!

Overtime Hours

>Well, this is also another example of union vs. non-union. I
>don't make overtime & I work far more hours than pretty much
>every other employee here.

So, does that mean that you have a "management" position? I'm in Canada so, here, when someone doesn't make overtime in a union environment, they're considered a "manager" - perhaps it's different in the States and you just work additional hours that you don't claim as "overtime".
LOL! Yeah I often watch the Office & think those folks have no idea how easy they have it.

Yes, I'm in management. Cakebaker, I don't see myself leaving this place anytime soon. Picture a mouse stuck on one of those sticky traps. The only way I could leave here is if I relocate b/c I've got 5 years in now & I don't want to lose my pension so I have to stick w/a government job.

Dave, you make an excellent point re. management. I fight w/my boss more over personnel issues than anything else.......much of this does have to do w/fear of lawsuits, but unfortunately my boss desperately wants to be liked & this has caused problems. I don't consider my job a popularity contest--if I have to be tough to make sure people get their work done than I have no problem w/that, but he's continually telling me "you have to figure out how to create an environment in which each individual can best perform their job functions." WTF does that mean? This is not a kindergarden class & I'm not coddling anyone. I'm not giving out gold stars at the end of each day. As far as I'm concerned the atmosphere in which someone can best do their job is one in which they either do their job or lose it.

So my boss, while he's a very nice man & who I like a lot personally, is a piss poor manager who drives me insane professionally.
"you have to figure out how to create an environment in which each individual can best perform their job functions."

OH, PU-LEEZE!!! What seminars are they sending these people to??? I'm so sick of the jargon, psychology, and CRAP that makes up the business world today.

I have worked under some of the WORST managers that you can imagine...and they all got their jobs because they knew somebody or they promised a lot more than they could ever deliver in their interviews. The best bosses that I ever had were two women who got where they were by starting at the bottom and working their way up...in other words, they had gotten their hands dirty and knew every aspect of the job that they were managing.
"Yes, I'm in management."

Then you should know better than to divulge employee's confidential medical information on the internet.
What? Huh? Like I mentioned where I work, or names, or anything of the like? As if any employees here actually go on a fitness forum? As if it's confidential after she's told everyone who works & lives here?

You should know better than to criticize someone here without basis. I came here for support & advice. If you don't have anything positive to offer may I suggest you mind your own business.

ETA: awfully rude for someone who's made a total of 5 posts here. Do I detect yet another troll?
Oh, Laura,

I wanted to clarify that I didn't mean that you had poor management skills! I hope you didn't think that is what I meant. From reading your post, it clearly seems as if your hands are tied.

Hope you have a great day!
Oh no that's OK--I didn't take it that way at all. I'm actually very pleased at the advice & reactions I've gotten on this thread, & the fact that (other than one strange bad apple) we've managed to disagree without getting angry.

And hey, nobody's perfect--I'm sure my management skills could use improvement. When it comes to managing I've learned that I would never ask someone to do something I'm not willing to do myself, be it running copies or stuffing envelopes or whatever, and that a little flexibility goes a long way. I've also learned that no matter how friendly people are to your face, when you're their boss they probably don't like you much regardless. :-(

What I haven't learned--or learned but not yet learned to practice--is to give myself 24 hours before reacting to any situation in which an employee is behaving inappropriately. Probably there are situations I could've handled better in the past. But life's an ongoing learning process, so hopefully I'll keep getting better.
I have one....an employee At my husband's business had brain surgery for an aneurysm....he wants work comp to cover it! Just so he doesn't have to put it against his health insurance and pay the deductible!

Some people!
"I'm in Canada so, here, when someone doesn't make overtime in a union environment, they're considered a "manager" -"

I respectfully disagree. Here, when someone doesn't make overtime in a union environment, they're considered "salaried". Not always management.
It obviously sounds like you care for your job and you have a high work ethic. You've got a couple of employees that really suck the air that the rest of us breathe. You have management above you that wants to avoid any confrontation to the exclusion of doing its job.

Your boss that wants to be "popular" should join some social organization and be popular there. He needs to be doing his job and supporting you in yours.

The management philosophy of enabling employees to do a good job by providing the tools, the training and removing the roadblocks isn't new and it's not BS. Unfortunately it only works on 95% of the workers, a manager will then spend the majority of his/her time disciplining that 5%.

Have the tribal council and vote them off the island!
Posters should not be discredited or called a troll because thay don't post very often. Many have valid points but aren't compelled to "speak" until something comes up they feel strongly about.

And.......Perhaps in this post you didn't offer specific details but I for one have seen the link you posted showing the name of the agency you work for and pictures of your boss, his secretary, etc. I would hate to see your indiscretion bite you in the butt one day.
If you would hate to "see my indiscretion bite me in the butt one day" you wouldn't post something like this. Frankly I find it a bit scary & stalkerish. I will most definitely be sure to be much more careful in the future.
Sorry, Laura but I agree with BROYLES60. You are one of the most prolific posters on the forum so naturally even the casual lurker knows a lot about you. I think BROYLES60 is doing you a favor by giving you a warning.

As someone who worked for a "Trenton Neanderthal" for a number of years, I find this type of blanket indictment of state employees to be rather unfair and harsh. Can we please refrain from making broad judgments of others? It is disheartening to see the rest of us deemed unfit for society based on the actions of a few bad eggs.


>Oh, Laura!
>My mom worked for the NJ government for decades and THE
>STORIES!!! :eek: A lot like yours. Early on we decided that the
>only people who work in government are those who can't fit
>into society. :+ Civil service is a magnet for weirdos. Of
>course not everyone was a weirdo. My Mom is completely normal
>(by society's standards) and she worked for the "neanderthals
>in Trenton" as she called them, for decades.
OMG, can this thread just DIE already? I posted looking for advice re. one of my employees & this is what it degenerates into?

Sue, I don't understand why being a prolific poster means that "naturally even the casual lurker knows a lot about" me. That's just weird, plain & simple. I don't know a lot about many prolific posters on this board other than those I have an "email relationship" with outside the forums. Mostly b/c I HAVE A LIFE!!!!!! I find the very idea that someone actually remembered a post from quite some time ago regarding where I worked very bizarre & scary. Furthermore, the fact that he/she had to post about it, therefore encouraging anyone who for whatever reason has a grudge against me to look for it, is both spiteful and somewhat deranged.

And yes, someone whose 5th post is an attack on a "prolific" poster who has been a longtime member of this community can definitely be viewed as a potential troll.

Finally, I never & in no way implied all civil service workers are lazy, useless losers. I work with many who are intelligent, motivated & whom I respect a great deal. The problem is there's a system in place that allows those who don't have a good work ethic to work it & get away with some really ridiculous stuff.

OK, can we be done with this now, or do I still need to worry about cyberstalking and/or some weirdo emailing my boss?
Lauramax -

You flatter yourself. No cyber stalking just simple observation. I can recall a lot of posts from over the years - Shelly's Ode for the Roadtrippers, Honeybunch's sinful dessert recipes, etc. So I'm cursed with a good memory - that doesn't make me a cyber stalker! The simple fact of the matter - and you obviously don't want to admit it - is that you share too much personal information. As someone who works in the Information Technology field I worry about personal information of any sort being shared via the internet and simply wanted to warn you before a REAL CYBERSTALKER did come after you. Okay? It was a friendly warning which you became all defensive about.

And yes, I have a life. I'm a full-time working mom in a profession that requires many weekend hours. I only usually have a half hour a day to checkout what's new on the Cathe forums so naturally I can't read everything. There are a few people who's opinions on fitness I respect so I tend to read their posts and any other posts that catch my eye.

Okay, I'm done with this now.
I flatter myself? ROTFLMAO! How so? I didn't dredge up old posts about myself--you & other posters did. It scared me. It made me very nervous. And rightfullly so.

Many of us post a great deal of personal information here. In fact I post much less than many others. Yet somehow I became a target & I'm not quite sure why........please tell me what else I've posted that's so personal, since you have such a great memory?

I became defensive b/c I was attacked. Those were not "friendly warnings," they were veiled threats. I had to email SNM & ask that one post (yes that's right, one single post, not a "prolific" number of posts, that showed where I worked) be deleted so the posters who disguised their veiled threats as "friendly warnings" could not stir up trouble in my life.

IMO it's a sign that someone needs more positive things in their life so they can stop being so negative towards virtual strangers.
Laura -

Glad I was able to give you a laugh. Lots of health benefits in laughter. ;-)

This thread has taken a bad turn and I'm sorry if you misinterpreted my comments. I do not wish for anything bad to happen to you. Period. My comments go way back to when I first started in business and my dad who was the wisest man I've ever known (yeah I know it sounds cliche but he was) said to me "Be careful what information you share with other people". And you know what? He was right. To this day I have no idea how much my co-workers make and I don't want to. I don't reveal personal financial information to anyone - not even my brothers and sisters - because I don't want them feeling differently about me. It bugs me when my boss tells me things about co-workers she shouldn't be telling me. It's a betrayal of confidence and no good can come of it. I don't get caught up in office gossip and when I do hear things it always makes me uncomfortable. Sure there's a degree of anonymity when it comes to the internet but you do have to be careful in the lawsuit-happy world we live in.

Since you asked, you've posted information about your boss and your boss' kid which I thought was inappropriate. You may argue that you were blowing off steam and seeking support but you never know who may be reading your posts and put 2 and 2 together. JMHO Yes, you're correct in that you're not the only one who has posted personal info. (The porn thread comes to mind. TMI)

Huh. And here I thought you were "done with this."

Well, I am. Clearly you are never wrong and far be it for me to question your ultimate authority. I bow to the goddess Sue and her infinite knowledge of all things. Shame on me for actually posting a couple of times here about my work situation (please note you'll find next to nothing re. my personal situation).

Yep, lots of benefit to laughter & nothing is funnier to me than someone who thinks she knows all. I am eternally gratefull to you who, in your infinite wisdom, gave me my laugh for today........:7

Thanks Sue..........while I really don't remember many details about most of the forum members here, you I will surely never forget.

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