Our 504th Cathe Live Workout


Staff member

Attention Cathe Live subscribers, Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 9:30 am EST, we’ll be doing “Burn and Build Upper Body“ LIVE! Get ready for this thorough upper body workout that hits all the muscle groups with either weights, bands or both. We’ll finish off the workout with a core segment using the mini yoga ball. See you soon
Equipment Needed:

Various weighted handweights (we’ll be using 5-15 lbs)
A medium tension resistance tube
A mini yoga ball
A fitness mat

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I so enjoyed this workout! There was such a great variety of upper body exercises - those shoulder circles with the band were so intense as was the ab work. Cathe really is a master of assessing the difficulty for participants - I was so grateful when she told us she would drop a planned bicep and ab exercise. Thanks for the great workout Cathe ♥️!
I do have a question just in case Cathe reads this - do you also plan the stretches in the way that you plan or sequence the workout or do you decide them in the moment?
Also Cathe you looked so great today - loved your top and leggings ♥️- so fresh and stylish!
Pauline ♥️
My first time doing a Cathe Live - I loved it! And I would love to know where you got those leggings - so cute!

I think my shoulders will be sore tomorrow....
The lives are great, aren‘t they? I too would like to know where the leggings are from …I did a reverse image search on google (which is usually pretty good) but I didn’t find the leggings.
I so enjoyed this workout! There was such a great variety of upper body exercises - those shoulder circles with the band were so intense as was the ab work. Cathe really is a master of assessing the difficulty for participants - I was so grateful when she told us she would drop a planned bicep and ab exercise. Thanks for the great workout Cathe ♥️!
I do have a question just in case Cathe reads this - do you also plan the stretches in the way that you plan or sequence the workout or do you decide them in the moment?
Also Cathe you looked so great today - loved your top and leggings ♥️- so fresh and stylish!
Pauline ♥️
The stretches at the end are not planned and done live at the moment.

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