Other than on this site, where can I purchase a step?

becky v

I've got the classic step, but would like to get the 'topper' thing and/or more risers, but I don't want to spend an arm & a leg. Suggestions?
You can try ebay, or www.overstock.com They don't always have these things, but if you can find them you may get a better price. I think that dh got mine at a sprost store near us, I don't remember the name of it because I don't frequently go there. You are looking for the high step I believe. I know that there are other sites out there that carry them, I just don't know what they are. But I Do know that other girls on this sight will know what they are!!

Happy Shopping!

>eBay lots of times. Everything from the full size step, to
>the shorter one, to Cathe's high step.

ebay is great if you're not in a hurry. I got the Club Step for $49 but it took me 3 weeks to win one. No regrets!!!
I went into my local big 5 sporting goods store last week and they had the high step for sale.I didnt get a chance to see how much it costed though,it was on the top shelf and im a shortie ;)

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