OT need Prayers for my Labrador


Good morning everyone. I took my dog to the vet Saturday because he was limping and it looked like he was losing weight. The vet said he didn't lose weight but he did look skinny like he lost muscle weight well anyway she said his limp nose was swollen and that is one sign of cancer. She took some blood and wanted to send it to a specialist to see if he did have cancer and also to check for lime disease well she called back a few hours later and said it was lime disease and not cancer since that makes that limp nose swollen. She said she is going to call me Monday because she wanted to make sure that the lime disease didn't effect his kidney well I got a call an hour ago and it did effect his kidney. She said that it is hard to turn it around but we are going to try. I have to get special dog food from the vet and pills and we just have to keep an eye on him. He will only be 3 this Friday. Please everyone say a prayer for Petie;( . I don't know what Im suppose to tell my younger son who is so attach to him. Thanks everyone.
Hi Barbara. I wanted to let you know that I will pray for your Petie. I LOVE dogs (I have 4), so I know you are worried. Sorry I don't have something profound to say to help you, but I do wish you my VERY best.

Take care,

You and your precious Petie are in my thoughts today. I have a 13 yr old Lab and he was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. I spend every moment with him that is possible, even more after learning this. He seems to be in good health but has his bad days too. I just have to keep thinking positively and pray every day. I understand your pain and the fact that he is still a "puppy" makes it even worse. The fact that they think something may work is a sign of hope and just believe in it. It's amazing what an animal can go through and come back just fine. I will be thinking about you and will check in frequently for any updates. Give your baby a kiss for me.

My best wishes,
My three cats and I send many positive thoughts to Petie! I'm sure you'll do what you can to help him, and make sure that whatever time he has left (which may be longer than the vet says) is happy and full of positive moments.

I had a cat diagnosed with cancer, who live over a year longer than the vet thought she would, and a cat with chronic renal failure, who lived several months longer than the vet though (she had given him only weeks). Love and care go a lot towards helping animals (and humans) combat their illnesses.
Dear Barbara,

Myself being a total animal lover, i have 3 dogs and 5 cats and a fish.. i wanted to send my thoughts and prayers. I know what you are going through. 2 yrs ago i lost 2 cats i had for 16 yrs and it was one of the saddest and hardest times i ever went through. I am sure your vet will do everything humanly and scientifically possible to save Petie. You are in my thoughts. Best wishes .. hang in there Petie *cyber hug*

Candy :)

I know what you are feeling. Sounds like Petie is in good hands with all the love you have for him.....it really helps them. I had a cat that died with cancer, she too lived longer than expected. I think it was because we all didn't want her to go and gave her tons of attention. In my prayers....Sami
Joining the others in thoughts and prayers for Petie! Keep us posted and give him a lil' pat from all of us.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My prayers are with Petie and your family. Try to keep a positive outlook. Petie sure is a loved puppy!!!
My thoughts are with you and Petie, may he get well soon! My two kitties Vinnie and Paulie send their best, as well as my black Lab Timber! He bounced back from near death, so hopefully, Petie will too.
Hi, Barbara--

Me and my kitties Cinnamon & Nutmeg (aka the Spice Girls ;)) are sending prayers and positive vibes Petie's way.

Keep us posted.

Take care,

Poor little Petie! My yellow lab Truman and I will be sending good thoughts for him. Give him a tummy rub for us!
I just want to say thank you for all of your prayers. It really means alot to me from all of my fitness cyber friends. I really believe in the power of prayers. I have to take Petie in next monday to re-check his blood work to see how he is responding to the dog food and the medicence. I will keep everyone posted:).
My girlfriends dog also had Lymes and she couldn't walk for two
days. The vet told her the heat makes lymes symptoms worse.
Her dog had to spend a few days at the vets. Her dog has totally
bounced back from a really bad bout of it. I hope your Petie has
the same recovery. I know if it was my Chloe, I would be
so crushed. Good luck to you.;(

Keep the faith and I will keep you all in my prayers. I've owned dogs for years and parting with them is always devastating. I hope that he recovers soon. Cheryl
I have read many posts on this forum over the last few months but this is the first time that I have posted here. I had to reply to this thread because I absolutely love dogs and I will definitely keep Petie in my prayers. I hope he gets well soon.

~Sissy B

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