OT--Need help from mystery readers


Active Member
Hi all,

I'm a mystery writer and am titling my latest book and would love to get some opinions from any mystery readers out there. I'm not published--YET, but am hoping this one is it.

My main character is an Air Force special agent who travels to Qatar to investigate the murder of her best friend and discovers her friend was into some shady dealings, including a prostitution ring. The book is a mystery book versus a millitary thriller, and I want the title to reflect that. Don't want it to sound too military like. So, here are the choices I've come up with. I appreciate any input or ideas.


A Dishonorable Death
Desert Sins
Dishonorable Acts
Dishonorable Deeds
Sins of an Airman (I like this but think it's probably too military)
Staci, congratulations first of all, and best of luck to you! Publishing is a tough world. I ended up having both my romance novels published with print-on-demand companies after getting tired of being told exactly what to write in each chapter by the traditional publishers. I applaud you for your determination!

I like "A Dishonorable Death" the best, followed by "Dishonorable Deeds" as a close second. "Desert Sins" sounds like a romance novel, "Dishonorable Acts" says nothing to me about the content of the book (too broad I guess?), and "Sins of an Airman" does sound too military. They'll want to change the title anyway you know ... but best of luck to you!!

You go girl!!

Hi Carol,

Thanks for the input! And nice to meet a fellow writer. It is a tough field isn't it? What are the titles of your books? I'll go look them up. I always love to find new authors I havnen't read--and support a fellow writer.

Thanks again.

Hi Staci,

I'm also a mystery writer, unpublished. I've just finished a first draft of a cozy mystery. I'm at the beginning of another rewrite and it will be ready to be submitted to agents in the fall. I like the title A Dishonable Death. Just be preapred, if you're not already, that your title might be changed. My friend sold three books to Avon and about a month ago sent out an email to us because she needed to come up with a new title for her first book. The editor decided she didn't like the original titles.

Carol, I've also written romance. In fact, I'm a member of RWA and active in my local chapter. I love romance novels, but mystery is where my voice is. It is a rough business

Good luck Staci.
Staci it was a LONG time ago, and I've since taken both books off the websites. Sadly, they did not do very well ... LOL!! However, I certainly don't regret the experience, and I had a blast writing them!!! You are so sweet to ask though - thank you!! Keep us posted on the progress of your book!! I love a good mystery!!

Hi Debra! I was active in RWA for a while too! It's a tough "girls' club" to break into, but I don't regret the experience. Writing the books was very catharctic for me, and I'm so glad I did it!! Keep us posted on your book too, okay?

[font color=deepink]Hi Staci,

Another vote for A Dishonorable Death! Congratulations Staci, for taking the initiative to write a book. So cool. I used to love mysteries when I was a kid, but I hardly have time for that anymore as college textbooks are invading my life lol![/font color=deeppink]

[font color=indigo]Debra- Good luck to you also![/font color=indigo]

[font color=green]Carol- Wow! Didn't know you write. I'm impressed...by all of you![/font color=green]

Thanks everyone! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your opinions and support. This really is a great forum.

Danna, I like both of your suggestions, particularly the second one.

Debra, it's great to meet another mystery writer and that you're active in RWA. I have a friend who's very active in Western Writer's of America and it's helped her quite a bit. I'm getting ready to move to St.Louis and it looks like they have a large chapter of Sisters in Crime there so I'm going to check that out. Good luck with your latest book.

Thanks again everyone!


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