OT: Lord of the Rings : Return of the King

My daughter, who has recently read the books, commented on both those scenes as well!! But, we really did enjoy the movies!!

Can't wait to see it!! Probably tomorrow. I loved the first two!! Golum reminds me of me, always going back and forth about everything in his mind. (There's no physical resemblance though, I hope :) ) These movies are the best!!
We went to see this yesterday as a family. I will say that we all loved the books, and read them together as a family....my husband reading out loud. We have been on pins and needles waiting for this movie to finally come out after seeing them the last two years.


I walked out (yesterday) saying "All that, and tomorrow is STILL Christmas!" My kids said "Oh yeaaaah...." because the movie was so great that it filled that "thing", that anticipation of Christmas coming....or knowing something great is coming, that we all felt filled with the coolness of the movie. It was a bonus that we still had Christmas (today) to wake up to.:)
We just saw it again, only this time we took hubby!! He loved it!! I loved it even more the second time around!!!

>I saw it opening night with other Tolkien fans. I love the
>films--all of them. I was especially interested in the Two
>Towers because 1)I love the Ents and wish the episode with
>them was longer and closer to the book, and 2) I couldn't
>imagine how the book would be transformed into a film, because
>it is written in big narrative chunks (Jackson edited back and
>forth with incredible skill between the various narratives and
>characters), and 3) because I could never visualize the battle
>episode for the Rohirrim fortress and its retreating areas of
>barricade until I saw the film. But--sorry if I sound like a
>snob here--but the books are ultimately my preference,
>probably because there's just more--e.g., the romance between
>Eowyn and Faramir is severely curtailed and Aragorn proves he
>is the king by healing both of them. I also wanted the
>scouring of the shire (of Sauron and Wormtongue)at the end and
>I preferred the book's version of the battle with the Nazgul,
>Eowyn, and Merry over Theoden's body.And as for the Liv Tyler
>character--it ain't right. Any other Tolkien fans out there
>with opinions on the films??

I absolutely agree! Eowyn was unmasked too soon but the fight between her, the Witch-King and Merry was awesome. Shame about the absence of The Voice Of Saruman, The Mouth Of Sauron, the curtailing of Sam's adventures whilst Frodo is held captive although I did appreciate the nod to it when you saw Sam's giant shadow just before he ran at the Orcs. I also wondered at the changes to the Denethor part of the story. It was one of the most horrible parts of the book and I was dreading seeing it on screen {{shudder}}. I thought the Denethor scenes where good even though there were differences. I wonder why they decided to leave out the part about the Palantir? Perhaps the changes were made to gain the lower rated certificate? (it was rated 12 here in the UK).

I loved The Paths Of The Dead and the King Of The Dead. I loved the Witch-King's big mace and the big rocks :) Shelob was frighteningly awesome. How wonderful to see the Smeagol and Deagol story in full. How wonderful to see the denegration of Smeagol. How wonderful to see Smeagol who looked exactly as I imagined him. The battles were fabulous, the cities were fabulous, the armour and weaponry were better than I could have imagined, the creatures and the actors were fabulous (can't think of a single mis-cast), the attention to detail was outstanding.

Overall, I loved the film. The books will always be my favourite: their reach is boundless. Film medium will always be limited and with that in mind, I firmly believe that Peter Jackson and co. have done the best adaptation possible. It was a reverential, faithful (within the limitations of the medium), awe inspiring translation of the books. I can't wait to see the extended edition next year and if they really are going to add yet more footage for the 2005 boxset - I can't wait for that either.

I love the original Star Wars trilogy. I love the Back To The Future trilogy. I love the Indiana Jones trilogy and other series like the Alien films or the Planet Of The Apes films. However, not one of them is as good as The Lord Of The Rings films: the *best* film trilogy ever made.
- Lisa :)
Edit: Did anyone else notice the lack of emphasis on Narya, Ring of Fire (the red ring) that Gandalf wore? The film doesn't really show that he bore one of the three rings of the Elven Kings. I think anyone who hadn't read the books would have assumed that Celeborn wore the third ring. It also wasn't made clear that Gandalf was of the Maiar (Ainur) and not human as would have been assumed by anyone who had not read the books. I hope this is emphasised in the extended edition because I really missed it in the cinema version.
Hi Everyone

I'm new to this forum and still waiting for my first Cathe videos to come in the mail! DH and I saw LOTR on opening day and again after Christmas. It was so awesome! I too would have liked to have seen a little of the romance between Eowyn and Faramir but like the actor who plays Gandalf said, "Those were the books and this is the movie." Even seeing them after reading the books, I still just love those movies. The 3rd one was very emotional I thought and I did shed quite a few tears. Probably a lot of emotion was felt because it was the end of the trilogy :-(
I'm with you Tamikka! But I loved the movie none the less, it was very entertaining. I was so excited to go see it in the theater, I didn't go see any of the others in the theater, so this was a new experience for me. I had gotten sucked into the second movie form minute one, so I knew this one was going to be just as exciting, and it was. I loved this trilogy! They did a great job with these movies.


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