OT: Lord of the Rings : Return of the King


Today my DD and I saw Return of the King which is the last installment in the Lord of the Rings series. All I can say is WOW. If you get a chance after the holidays, go see this movie. It was awesome with great special effects -- the movie just flew by. My daughter also liked it.:)
I second that! Saw it with my fiance the opening night because he is a longtime fan of the books. If you have been following the movies, especially the extended versions, you will not be disappointed.

Be warned: it is quite long, so use the bathroom before the movie starts and don't drink a lot during the movie! :)
>Three hours and twenty minutes of Orlando Bloom? No

I admit, Legolas is quite the "hottie," though Aragorn is more my type :9 (Whenever the ads come on tv, my fiance says, "Your boyfriend's on." :) )
My DB and I saw it last night. I fell in love with Viggo Mortenson and Orlando Bloom all over again. Ahhh... the torture. The landscape aerial views were breathtaking, the acting perfect, and the anxiety-producing elements definitely present. I loved it :D These movies deserve all of the hype they are receiving!


When Legolas jumped on that elephant-thingy and started doing his moves, well, it was all I could do to stay in my seat! Love that guy but a bit too pretty for me. And once Aragorn finally washed his hair....well. Love this trilogy! My son had friends over on opening night and watched the first two and then went to the midnight show. He said his butt never hurt so much in his life! LOL DH and I saw it the next night. My son refused to take the old folks to the midnight show. I can't make it through a 2+ hour movie, never mind 3 1/2! So my claim to fame is I ONLY went to the bathroom once. Alexis
I can't wait to see this either! A friend gave DH and I tickets for this weekend so we will be seeing it Saturday. We bought the first two on DVD and have probably seen the both at least 5 times each!
We just saw it today!! It's AWESOME!!!!!!!! The best of the three!!!

Loved it! We went as a family (me, DH, and our 3 boys) and everyone thought it was the best of the 3. I can't wait until the extended version comes out so we can have a trilogy marathon. Arogorn or Legolas? Aragorn.
It really is the best of the three. I loved the first one, got a little bored with the second one, but this was just such a great movie! A tiny bit too long--the last half hour could have been 15 minutes, in my opinion--but really just terrific!

i really, really enjoyed this movie!! however, i feel they could have left the beginning out..i really wasn't interested in his story about the ring! but overall, EXCELLENT!!
Can't wait!!!!! DH and I are going to see it Jan 3rd. We have a date planned. We saw all the others. When they all come out, we are going to get the DVD set, that's how much we like them. The authur of the series was friends with my favorate authur CS Lewis. they write similar to each other.

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OMG I second that, I think it's the swords. I have Tivo and whenever a LOTR commercial comes on I re-watch the Aragorn parts several times! WOOHOOOO!!
I saw it opening night with other Tolkien fans. I love the films--all of them. I was especially interested in the Two Towers because 1)I love the Ents and wish the episode with them was longer and closer to the book, and 2) I couldn't imagine how the book would be transformed into a film, because it is written in big narrative chunks (Jackson edited back and forth with incredible skill between the various narratives and characters), and 3) because I could never visualize the battle episode for the Rohirrim fortress and its retreating areas of barricade until I saw the film. But--sorry if I sound like a snob here--but the books are ultimately my preference, probably because there's just more--e.g., the romance between Eowyn and Faramir is severely curtailed and Aragorn proves he is the king by healing both of them. I also wanted the scouring of the shire (of Sauron and Wormtongue)at the end and I preferred the book's version of the battle with the Nazgul, Eowyn, and Merry over Theoden's body.And as for the Liv Tyler character--it ain't right. Any other Tolkien fans out there with opinions on the films??
Yep, No doubt about it, you're a fan! You can talk turkey to my son; I went to see long-haired beautiful men in tights.:p Alexis

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