>both of you have said pill weren't all of it. what did the
>additional support provide? she's also been diagnosed with
>pervasive development disorder and i'm waiting to get into an
>occupational therapist but this sounds different.
>her dad is adhd and had depression and paxil was the worst
>thing he was on. it almost ended our marriage.
BY FEDERAL LAW, whatever services your child needs(get your doctor to help push it) your school has to provide. occuptational therapy will help with sensory issues(very common with PDDs since the syptoms are similar and milder forms of austim)as well as how to transition through daily activities with use of pictures, charts, written schedules however way your child will respond. they try different things and stick with what works for the meantime.
have you done a search on PDD, i have some links to austim, that also cover some PDD info at
http://www.angelfire.com/vamp/ldy_solana/Autism.html if that will help. there are some for info, treatments, and any news that they have made a breakthrough on. PDD,IMO, is milder form of autism. they are not so severe that they are years behind their peers, but development is slow(either in speech or social interactions) that is effects there learning,social interactions with peers, talking, etc.so its something that needs alot of attention. there is also a book that i have "THE WORLD OF THE AUTISTIC CHILD" by Bryna Siegal(the library has it) that goes over PDD and some known treatments and medical stuff as to how they diagnos it, the different spectrum of cases, and just understanding how the child works in the world dealing with disorders. there are several ppl on this board that deal with their childrens developmental disorders so if you want to post for more info or support we are here. and you are your child's best advocate, don't take their word for it unless you hve done the reading yourself and you know the pros and cons of things.
"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"