OT But Curious


I am curious. Are your boys being raised in a bilingual family? I read that you speak fluent German as a second language. So many of us have lost our second language and I find that very sad.

Just curious,
Donna In California
oh wow! that's a great question! and i didn't realize that! oh i so hope she is, though! when they are young is the BEST time to teach them! kids' minds are like little sponges!!!!

my high school spanish teacher used to speak english to her kids one day and spanish the next so as to teach it to them (and this was upstate NY.... so spanish wasn't so prevelent (spelling????) back then!)

just think of the opportunities opened up to them later in life by already knowing another language!!!!!

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Hi Donna! Both of my parents spoke, and continue to speak, German as their main language so it was a given that I was going to speak German :)

I have been teaching my boys German too, but they are not exposed to it in the same capacity that I was as a child (my husband does not know German). However, I am proud to say that when they were three they already knew how to count to 10 in German, were familiar with quite a few words, were able to sing an old folk song my mother taught them, and owned their very own Lederhosen to wear at the Oktoberfests we take them too. I plan to continue to expose them to the German language and culture.
I own no lederhosen. In spite of 5 years of German in school, I can't speak or read it. But I love Octoberfests! Eins, zwei, zuppa!
Hi Robin,
you made me laugh, that is all you need to know eins , zwei, zuffa! Ein prosit ein Prosit zur Gemuehtlichkeit! Prost!
I think that it's very neat that you are exposing your kids to another language/culture. I took 1 semester of German in college and really enjoyed it (although it was a bit challenging because the class was right after my 400 level Spanish class!!!). My SIL is a German teacher and just finished her Master's degree in German. Last time she went to Germany, she was told that she can not possibly be from the United States because she doesn't have an "accent".

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