

I need to get orthotics a.s.a.p. cause I just can't stand not being able to work out anymore! I've tried everything else because of the cost but nothing works. So I'm just gonna bite the bullet and fork out $ I don't have! Yea for credit...

There are different methods of "measuring" for orthotics. Foam, plaster cast, scan, etc. What is the best one? What have your experiences been? Anything you can tell me about the differences between them is appreciated!


I need to get orthotics a.s.a.p. cause I just can't stand not being able to work out anymore! I've tried everything else because of the cost but nothing works. So I'm just gonna bite the bullet and fork out $ I don't have! Yea for credit...

There are different methods of "measuring" for orthotics. Foam, plaster cast, scan, etc. What is the best one? What have your experiences been? Anything you can tell me about the differences between them is appreciated!


Hi Helene,

I attended a fitness expo this summer and bought orthodics sold by Good Feet (www.goodfeet.com). Have been really happy with them. I can take them out and put them in my dress and athletic shoes. I've found them to be extremely helpful in being able to do some impact again.

Hope this helps.

Hi Helene,

I attended a fitness expo this summer and bought orthodics sold by Good Feet (www.goodfeet.com). Have been really happy with them. I can take them out and put them in my dress and athletic shoes. I've found them to be extremely helpful in being able to do some impact again.

Hope this helps.

Hi Helene,

About 2 years ago I got flexible orthotics (Foot-Maxx) for very painful plantar fasciitis (sp?). They helped immensely and immediately.

I got them through my chiropractor. He has a computer pad that you walk on top of and it takes an "imprint" of your gait. The idea is that the orthotics support your feet as you move, rather than a cast of your feet while standing still. I wear them all the time although they don't fit in high heels, which I never wear anyway (one of the perks of working from home :)).

I can't compare them with other kinds, but have been very happy with them. Hope this helps.

Good luck!
Hi Helene,

About 2 years ago I got flexible orthotics (Foot-Maxx) for very painful plantar fasciitis (sp?). They helped immensely and immediately.

I got them through my chiropractor. He has a computer pad that you walk on top of and it takes an "imprint" of your gait. The idea is that the orthotics support your feet as you move, rather than a cast of your feet while standing still. I wear them all the time although they don't fit in high heels, which I never wear anyway (one of the perks of working from home :)).

I can't compare them with other kinds, but have been very happy with them. Hope this helps.

Good luck!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-02 AT 03:12PM (Est)[/font][p]I've had orthoics from the podiatrist for about six weeks. I have plantar fasciitis and I pronate. Not only did they help the foot pain but also hip and low back pain that I've had for a few years. It was well worth the $300.00 but it ended up being paid by insurance. Surprised us! He made plaster casts and it took two weeks after that.

I'm editing to add that the first three days of wearing them were the worst pain days I ever had. By the end of the first week I had pain relief from everything. Good luck!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-02 AT 03:12PM (Est)[/font][p]I've had orthoics from the podiatrist for about six weeks. I have plantar fasciitis and I pronate. Not only did they help the foot pain but also hip and low back pain that I've had for a few years. It was well worth the $300.00 but it ended up being paid by insurance. Surprised us! He made plaster casts and it took two weeks after that.

I'm editing to add that the first three days of wearing them were the worst pain days I ever had. By the end of the first week I had pain relief from everything. Good luck!


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