Oreo Balls were a hit today!


I made them and brought them in to work. Everyone is asking for the recipe and they went like wildfire!!!!
Dani I have bought the ingredients in the past weekend. I bought cream chesse, one familiar package of oreo and white chocolate. I have a weakness. My sweet thooth. Maybe I will prepare your recipe in the weekend. After I will do a hard intense workout to burn some calories.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
>i'm sorry... but i think of that SNL skit every time i read
>the title of this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :+

I know the exact skit you are talking about!! The one with Alec Baldwin!!!!



I hear you about the intense workout!

Hey Dani...Dani here! Did you figure out how many it made? I am making them today and I am hoping I have enough stuff. I think somewhere it said 60, or about 5 dozen. I need double that for the cookie exchange tomorrow, but if it could be stretched a bit that would be nice. How big did you roll them? Teaspoon, tablespoon? I guess I will figure it out, but if I can save myself a trip to town because a friend is already going in this morning, that would be great. Glad they were yummy by the way:)
Here is the post with the recipe.
#108439, "Oreo Balls recipe! Warning: Not low cal!"
Wed Dec-08-04 04:41 PM by dani21496

This recipe looks so sinfully delicious. I really want to try it! I read on another board that they are so, so good. I think I might make them for Christmas.

Oreo chocolate balls

1 pkg oreos
1 8 oz pkg cream cheese
melting chocolate

Make oreos into crumbs using a food processor, then blend in cream
Roll into balls and place
in fridge for 30 - 60 minutes until hard.

Melt chocolate and dip balls (using toothpick like device) into
chocolate...refrigerate to harden.

Someone suggested using bark chocolate instead of bakers chocolate b/c it clings to the cookie better.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
Hey there Dani! I used teaspoon size balls. They made 60. My friend made 70 with hers so she just them smaller.

I found it easier to used whipped cream cheese. For crushing the oreos, I put 10 -12 cookies at a time in a big ziplock baggie and crushed them with a metal meat tenderizer by hand. It was easy, fast and no mess!

Also, instead of dipping the balls, I just dumped 4 or 5 at a time in the chocolate and picked them up with a spoon after they were covered in the chocolate. It was faster and easier for me that way.

Have fun and let us know how they turn out!

>By the way, what the heck is bark chocolate???

Hi Ruth!

It is actually called Almond Bark. There are no almonds in it by the way, and I'm not quite sure why it's called Almond Bark Chocolate. I found it in the aisle where they sell the other types of baker's chocolate. It melted easily and tasted great too.
Thanks Dani...I've got to look for it now. And then, I'll have to get the other stuff cause obviously I've gotta make the darn things if I bought the Almond Bark with no almonds Chocolate! Can't let it go to waste!



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