Order is waiting for me at home


I can't wait to open the box!! But I think I am going to wimp out tonight. I wanted to try IMAX2 but I still haven't tried Imax so I think I may give that try tonight. Of course, I'll be sucking wind in about 10 minutes. I'll see how much of it I can do. Wish me luck.

ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am insanely jealous ! As I don't own any yet !!!!!!! :) or should it be :'(

anna :)
You all had me so scared to try Imax that it has been sitting in the drawer for months!! What a fun tape. No, I couldn't do it all and I'm choreographically challenged, but those intervals are so much fun. I thought this was going to be like Circuit Max. I can't get through 10 minutes of that tape. I am really looking forward to learning the step moves and IMAX2. WooHoo!

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