Thank you all for your replies. I'm still going to think about which to do first.
I have lifted weights for many years, but never did a specific rotation except when I worked with a personal trainer five years ago. I am ready to commit to a physique changing journey!
Hi New50,
Congrats on your commitment to yourself!
Thanks to all for the great thread.
STS is fabulous. I've never done BB.
I do have one thought for you. Since you say you've got 60 lbs to lose, I feel like if you could reallocate some of the time spent doing isolation exercises in these programs (triceps kickbacks, myriad variations of biceps curls, etc.) to doing more of the big, compound movements (squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, etc.), it might hasten your physique change. Big movements = more muscle groups involved and more calories burned. The STS leg workouts will burn some serious calories, for sure, and Meso 1 really keeps going at a good clip. But later on, the long sets of biceps curls and long rests... just not sure that's what you need the most of right now. JMHO. Take it for what it's worth.
Since you're looking to do some extra glute work, have you considered Get Glutes? I've never done it, but I know some forum members have. It's total body strength training -- I think it's mostly big compound moves with extra glute work and probably a smattering of isolation exercises (not sure). I think they have a free 14-day trial.
Whichever program you choose, high fives and again, congrats! Keep us posted on your progress and never hesitate to reach out if you need extra encouragement!