Opinion on Pilates Ball DVD workouts


As some of you know, I teach a Pilates Ball class at a corporate fitness center, and I get my exercises from all sorts of sources, including books, DVD's, etc.

Very Good - Core Secrets, the ab and lower body exercises. One pointer - SLOW IT DOWN!! He goes way too fast. You'll get better results if you do the exercises way slower.

Also very good - Cathe's ball ab and lower body exercises using the ball (no surprise, right?) That roll-out is a killer! You feel every single muscle in your lower body doing that one!

Not that great - the new Winsor Pilates ball workout. Too simple - if you are accustomed to working out with Cathe, you'll be disappointed.

Best book - Elizabeth Craig's "Balance on the Ball"

I mix up the exercises all the time - put them in a different order, change the count, etc. You don't want your body to go on "auto-pilot." We do lots of squats and lunges - there are many variations of the lunge, so you never run out of options.

For what it's worth.

Just Do It! :)
Thank you Honeybunch :)

Which 'Core Secret' DVD are you referring to?

One more question: do you use a reformer? and do you recommend a DVD that uses one in a way which will challenge/ show results for advanced Cathe DVD users?

"Likes2bfit" since 1999
Core Secrets - 25 minute Full Body Workout, Accelerated Core Training are the ones I use stuff from, primarily because they come with the cards that I can copy to put in my file of exercises. I don't use the reformer - just the ball, dynabands and Mindy Myrea's Gliders.
Just Do It! :)
Have you tried any of Stott's ball workouts? Level 1 is a good starter, while Level 2 has a lot of reformer type exercises. Moira teaches with another instructor, PJ, who is terrific.

I always know I'm in for a sweaty pilates workout at the gym when we get out the BOSU's or the stability balls.


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