opinion about MMA kickbox


I was wondering what you think about MMA kickbox? Is it like Kick Punch and Crunch? Is the intensity about the same? I did not enjoy Kick, Punch and Crunch that much.
Thank you for the opinion.
Personally I don’t think they are that much alike. MMA Kickbox is a lot easier intensity wise, IMO. I happen to really love Kick, Punch, & Crunch; it’s my favorite Cathe kickboxing workout. Perhaps you would really like MMA Kickbox, maybe if you explained what you didn’t like about KPC it might be easier to determine if you would like the new one.

I just could not get my heart rate up in Kick, Punch, Crunch. The intensity and the pace is too low and slow for me. That's the reason I did not enjoy it that much. Did you enjoy other of the cardio shock series. I really did enjoy step moves and drill max a lot. thanks so much.
if you look at KM and KPC, they kind of have 2 sections, a HITT style and kickboxing combination. But it's like the 3 MMA are the kickboxing combinations (boxing and fusion) and the 3 HITT are the other section.

I feel that without this HITT style section, KM is not that intense. KPC have good combinations because there is a lot of jumping

so, what you can do is do a HITT first and then one of the MMA. You can reverse it, but I feel, like KPC, the drills first make the combinations harder, unlike KM, which have the combinations first. I actually switch it around.

seriously, this serie only devided the sections is smaller parts, but you can kind of put them together and make a workout. If Cathe would have added the drill section in the MMA... then there would be no need for the HITT workouts.

I felt a bit disapointed with the MMA and I started to add KM Drills to them... then I realized, that they are like HITT!!! so I think that's what was done.

may be I am wrong, but that's how I felt
Well, I would say if KPC wasn’t intense enough for you, then you probably wouldn’t like MMA Kickbox. Do you have all of the new Shock Cardios? I really like the 3 HiiTs, they are very intense to me. I have only tried Step Moves once, so I haven’t really decided how I feel about that one. I also really love Cardio Core Circuit, do you have that one? If you are looking for intensity I think this is good. Drill Max (you do mean the one from the other series?) is another of my favorites as well.
For me, I like the varying intensities of the new series, since I’m using them along with the STS strength videos. I know if I want to up the intensity of the MMA workouts, I add weighted gloves & really put my all into them. But really it just depends on what your particular needs are. I hope I’ve helped you some.

Thank you so much for your response. At least I do have an idea now.

The new series, I have only Step Moves and I think that I like it. Did you try Circuit Blast and MMA Fusion? did you like those?

Thank you again, and yes, your responses are helpful to me.
Hi again! Yes, I have tried each of those (Circuit Blast & Fusion) once only though. Regarding Circuit Blast, I personally don’t like to mix my weights & cardio at the same time, but I did think it was pretty intense. I can see myself using it for cardio purposes in the future. I didn’t think the weights would qualify for an all out strength routine. Fusion, if I recall correctly, was pretty similar to the new Kickbox in intensity. It may have been a bit more intense due to the use of kicks. Maybe someone else who has done this one more recently can chime in.
JS70, I'm a runner (I do 5 miles at about 8.5 minutes per mile) and I definitely can get my heart WAY up with KPC. I use 2-lb weighted gloves throughout, and I put everything I have into all the moves. I think that, with kickboxing, the intensity of the workout depends a great deal on how hard you push the moves. If you go deep deep into the squat moves, kick high and hard, and really use your lower body to power the punches and jabs, you will get your heartrate up (especially with weighted gloves).

I find almost everything about Shock Cardio a keeper except MMA: Kickboxing. There is absolute zero intensity and I can't bring myself to do it again. I'd like to try it at least one more time before trying to trade it away. The other thing you need to be aware of is there are almost no premixes with Shock Cardio which was a huge surprise to me as Cathe has been so good at this with past offerings.

The HiiT workouts are awesome. MMA: Fusion is unique and I just love it a lot. MMA: Boxing is a nice intermediate workout. CCC is tough, tough, tough. You will get a lot done in 44 min. with the circuit workout. Step Moves is very fresh and fun. Athletic Step is just that, very athletic. I haven't tried the Travel workout yet.
Thank you so much everyone for your opinion. I definitely would buy CCC. I think will try weighted gloves. I don't know why I never thought of that. I think I will consider other dvds in this series as well. I still don't know which ones I will be buying yet. I don't have much time to exercise due to my young children. i used to a lot when my son was a baby. Now that he's 2 1/2, it's always trouble. he always cry for me and I always have to stop in the middle of the exercise. Now he just started preschool 2 days a week so I thought now that I have 2 hours to myself, I should exercise at least 50 minutes, which this cardio shock series are perfect. Not too long and not too short.


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