OOO Just thought of a poll! Where does your extra weight/fat tend to go first?

OOO Just thought of a poll! Where does your extra weight/fat tend to go first?

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I wage an unending battle with my belly. Rather heroic measures that get twarthed by the merest ounce of Evul Chocolate. Aided by my loyal and trustworthy allies : Weights and Cardio, we fight valiantly in the midst of overwhelming blubber! The bloody war continues against horrific Genes.
I guess mine goes to...none of the above:eek:
I wish it would go to my butt, but it goes to my hips. That area right on the outside of my pelvic bones. Not lower and not on my butt, where it belongs! Yuck!

Mine goes to my hips and inner thighs. I've been working out for 2 years now and it's hardly budged! Only 3 weeks ago I started eating cleaner and I can see changes there already. Hopefully with clean eating and the Intensity Series I'll be shorts-worthy by summer. I've gone from 47" hips to 42" hips in 2 yrs.
It's sad how these polls sink to the bottom unless you write a reply. I wish they would stay at the top as long as people were voting.

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