Only about 45


BELOW ZERO!!!! yes, that's with windchill, but STILL it was enough to close the schools :7 :7 :7 . So I have a day at home to lesson plan, oh yea, and exercise!
You are lucky,

Here we are at -8 with the windchill -17, that was the last time I checked and ALL the school are in open. :( and everyone here at the office is at work, me included :(

So I guess I should quit complaining about bootcamp being 39 degrees this morning? :eek: :p

I swear it's worse in CA... because everyone for some reason thinks that because we're in CA we need to do everything outside... yikes.

But I'd probably change my mind in under .0001 seconds if I spent 20 seconds in your weather; I can't imagine!!! I'll send some warmth your way. :D
And I was complaining about Las Vegas this morning! Uh, it was 44 degrees....:7 Shame on me.
I remember a few years ago bundling my offspring up for school, air temp at -40F, wind chill much lower The kids would still go out for recess, though a much shorter one.

You could tell the school districts with diesel buses and which ones had gas. Diesel turns to wax at about -30.

Global warming right?
In the lovely Chicago area the temp dropped about 50 degrees in 6 hours yesterday. From a balmy mid 40's to a negative few degrees and something like 40 below w/ the wind. The drive home in blowing snow was fun!!! Nothing like not being able to see where you're trying to go. But hey, you know what they say about the weather around here "If you don't like it, wait 10 minutes, it'll change"

I love living in Hawaii...our low tonight is 68 with light showers, our high today was 77 - and we're actually saying we have a winter this year!

I send all of you WARM LOVING THOUGHTS! Edie
They're saying it's about 17 degrees here but doesn't feel that cold. Columbus, Ohio hasn't gotten hit hard yet. Every time they say we're going to we just get missed. I believe we're "supposed" to get hit tomorrow night.

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