One of the BEST Years???


You get printouts of each exercise when you purchase one of the workouts. I print them out and take a look at what I'll be doing ahead of time so I have no trouble following along with Grace. Once you've done them a few times you get used to the moves and it is really easy to follow. I love these workouts. They have tightened and lifted my body like no other workout ever has. Use the codes for free workouts. You'll get three free and if you don't like them you're not out anything, but it's real easy to get hooked on these. Grace puts the burn on and the results speak for themselves.:)
OMG you guys, STOP IT!!!! :7 I don't have *time* to do all of these workouts!!!!! :p

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So I'll need a full report soon, since both of my computers hate the preview function on her site.
>Rose, I can't find any discussion of it at all on VF. Which
>forum were you in?>

Nancy, I actually came across the discussion on CollageVideo. There are a couple of threads on this workout if you go to the open forum. All of the threads have "squeeze" in the title, so they are easy to find.

I was just shocked at the amount of praise that some people have given this workout. I ordered yesterday...we'll see how it goes!!!
>You get printouts of each exercise when you purchase one of
>the workouts. I print them out and take a look at what I'll
>be doing ahead of time so I have no trouble following along
>with Grace. Once you've done them a few times you get used to
>the moves and it is really easy to follow. I love these
>workouts. They have tightened and lifted my body like no
>other workout ever has. Use the codes for free workouts.
>You'll get three free and if you don't like them you're not
>out anything, but it's real easy to get hooked on these.
>Grace puts the burn on and the results speak for

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! The descriptions are wonderful and you're a gem for providing the free codes!

oh vey....more workouts....}(
So many workouts, so little time. Here are some threads from Video Fitness regarding squeeze:

and for Rose here is a thread from VF with a lot of great reviews for the Iballets.

It will hopefully help you pick what you might like best. My personal favorites are #1, 10, 12, and 15. 11 & 16 are also very good.
Ame, collage has a preview. Frankly, the preview doesn't look very exciting, but if it's getting rave reviews, count me in.
Yes, this one would be easy to take with you.

Cathy :)

>Okay, I caved too!!! I think it sounds like a workout you
>can take on vacation with you too. Am I right? I'm guessing
>I'd only have to bring light weights and a ball. Sounds like
>a plan!!!
>Nancy :) :)

~Cathy :)
>Rose, I can't find any discussion of it at all on VF. Which
>forum were you in? It sounds interesting, but I don't have a
>ball or a wall. The walls in my living room where the DVD
>player is are all blocked by furniture.
>Also, Can anyone tell me if there is a fun factor?

It's very fun!

I don't have a wall either, but I'm short and I can use the sofa in my living room and get the same effect. If you are taller you could probably just maneuver yourself around to get the correct angle.

Just a superb workout! I'm so glad to have it.
I guess it would depend on what makes a workout fun for you - great music, challenging choreography, witty instructor, or something else? In terms of the music, it's nothing recognizable - just a funky kind of beat - I really don't notice it much when I'm doing the workout. What makes this one enjoyable for me is that Tracy is likeable & straightforward (she explains things clearly but doesn't babble), and most importantly, the moves are *different* than what I'm used to. And I'm definitely feelin' 'em! HTH.

Cathy :)

>Also, Can anyone tell me if there is a fun factor?
Good point, Cathy. The fun factor for me is something hard to describe, but has something to do with the movements feeling "right"; almost as if my body was born to do those movements. Movements that, for some reason, I look forward to doing instead of dreading. It also has to do with how the movements flow into one another. For example, if I have to pull my step out from under the coffee table for one exercise, then put it back, then take it out again. I love a logical flow of exercises that feel good. That's more or less what I mean by a fun factor. I don't know if I've described it very well.
I have had the Squeeze workout for awhile now. I only use it for the LB and abs ....but what drives me crazy is that she doesn't work out to the beat of the music. Other than that, I do like the collection of LB workouts in it, although I prefer the iSculpt Ballet workouts.
Hi, Tammy. I just wanted to mention that I got my Cathe catalogue, and, although the pic of you is very small, you look fabulous. I love the pink and gray outfit. Sorry for the hijack.
One of these days I will learn to just stray from these threads.... UGH!!!! You people!!! LOL LOL

I am just working on my first week of Barry's Bootcamp with major DOMS thanks to the reviews here - now I just ordered this Squeeze workout as well...

Such Enablers!!! Got love it though - could be a worse addiction to have.... :7 :p
Yes, I think I understand what you mean, Nancy, and I feel the same. I do think the Squeeze exercises follow a logical flow, and it is a plus IMO that so little equipment is needed.

There is definitely no dread factor for me in this. As I said earlier, I just keep wanting to do this workout (or parts of it) for some reason!! I can't say enough how much I love the ab work with the ball and the buns & thigh work on the wall.

Now since I'm talking about it, I have to go do it! *lol* It'll be a great follow-up to the 3-mile run I just finished up.

Cathy :)

>Good point, Cathy. The fun factor for me is something hard to
>describe, but has something to do with the movements feeling
>"right"; almost as if my body was born to do those movements.
>Movements that, for some reason, I look forward to doing
>instead of dreading. It also has to do with how the movements
>flow into one another. For example, if I have to pull my step
>out from under the coffee table for one exercise, then put it
>back, then take it out again. I love a logical flow of
>exercises that feel good. That's more or less what I mean by
>a fun factor. I don't know if I've described it very well.

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