one more kettlebell instructor ?


I hope you guys are not getting to up tight with all the questions. Do any of you have Amy Bento's kettlebell dynamics workout and Lauren Brooks sculpting kettlebell workout. I think Lauren's set is about 40.00 at Amazon. I am sure there is no comparing the workouts. I have only one kettlebell workout the Goddess which I love.

For those that have both which do you prefer Amy or Lauren's dvd set. I watched clips of Lauren's kettlebell workout today and it looks great. I think it has an instructional video and two other workouts. I want intermediate to advanced and would love some good music but I suppose I could play my own. I am so confused please help:confused::confused::confused:

Kathryn where are you?:):):):):)

Amys looks good two. Maybe I should buy both.

I promise no more questions. So many of you are so helpful and encouraging.

Thanks, again,

sorry about the horrible spelling.

I worked almost 60 hours this week and I am tired. I am a sight for sore eyes. I am in my jammies and it is 12:15 but there is no one:D here but me and my cat. He loves me all the same.

I have nothing to offer about kettlebells but am curious about your question. I am thinking about starting to incorporate this into my workout but want to choose a good dvd so I do not get burned.

I have Lauren's and I love it! It really gets my heart rate up and boy does it work my muscles. I did this one on Friday and I'm STILL feeling my hamstrings and inner thighs.

Thank you for you reply. Where did you buy Laruens workout? Do you have the one that has two workouts and a instruction workout? I think it looks great. H'mm maybe I need both. Kettlebells make me feel so good. I want to keep working with ketlebells and work my way up to a heavier weight. They work my whole body. I love it:D


I also have Lauren's workout, and consider it a 'must-have' for anyone's KB workout library (at least anyone interested in real kettlebell workouts, but not looking for the 'toughest KB workout in history', LOL!).

I like both of the workouts included on it. It's amazing how 'worked out' I can feel after her short workout.

And she's the first instructor to give directions on how to do moutain climbers that makes them work for me (it's about weight distribution).

Here's a link to a clip showing her teaching KB deadlifts. It will give you a feel for the 'technique' section of her DVD (note: it's not footage from that DVD). She also has some vids on youtube.

Her 'high pull/catch/squat' combo is an especially fun move, IMO.

Like many other KB instructors, she's a bit serious (but not as much as the "Goddess" instructors!).

I don't have Amy's KB workout, and it's never interested me since I saw clips of her skittering across the floor like a hermit crab while swinging the bell (see around :45 on this clip ). Her form on her latest KB workout looks a bit better than on her first, but there are many better instructors to learn KB from, IMO.

I've just heard that Lauren is coming out with a new KB workout soon.
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I'm also a Lauren fan. First, she gives great instruction, which is missing in a lot of kettlebell workouts. Her form is always perfect. There are two workouts.
1. 12 mintue fat blast--I either add this to another workout or do it twice in a row. She adds burst of cardio (squat jumps and mountain climbers and pushups) inbetween kettlebell moves to get the HR up more. This workout has 2 minute segments with 30 sec rest inbetween, which I usually do not need to take, so I keep doing other moves. It's a great workout when I do it back to back.

2. The 40 minute workout, which she gives 1 minute rests. Sometimes I need the full minute to rest, other times I feel like I can keep going so I do push through the rest periods.

I love these workouts because I don't feel rushed, Lauren keeps perfect form the entire time and she is an RKC instructor. These workouts are good from beginner to advanced as well. I always feel great after I do these. :D

Kathryn, the high pull/catch/squat is my favorite move too!!
Another vote for Lauren...

I have Lauren's workout and have enjoyed it and like her style. I do not own Amy Bento's KB workouts, but did give my sister (a non-exerciser) Amy's beginner kettlebell video as a gift. She seems to like it, but has nothing to compare to.

I also like Art of Strength, but file them under "toughest kettlebell workouts ever."

I hope this is helps.
Folks have already given you great answers re: Lauren, so I'll just say, "Ditto!" :)

I hope she comes out with more DVD's. I know she has one for pregnant women, so I will definitely be buying that one someday (I hope! :)), but for now, I use the one that's been talked about here, the one with the 40 min workout and the shorter fat blast workout.

I agree with Kathryn, her mountain climbers are deadly! In a good way of course, haha.

Also, I have to say that in addition to form and good instruction, her physique is incredibly inspiring. It's no wonder; I've been following her blog ( and the woman would put Tosca Reno's clean eating to shame. She is one disciplined individual when it comes to eating, but her body is definitely living proof that nutrition is key. She has pics on there of what she looked like 6 weeks after having her second baby and good grief, she has less body fat than I have right now--and I've never had children.
Kathrym you made my day LOL

Amy skittering around the floor like a hermit crab LOL. I know what part you are talking about.

Lauren Brooks it is. I am ordering it. She looks amazing. I am so excited now. :D I am going to check out AOS too.

I love you guys, thanks for your help!

My dvds have been shipped

I received an email from Amazon and my dvds were shipped Tuesday so I am excited.

I shouldn't have been hard on Amy Bento. I think her kettlebell dynamics looks great.:) I love her personality. I may have to take another look on the reviews on Collage video.

Thanks again for all your reviews. Have a nice day everyone.

Deb :)

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