One Marriage, Two Candidates *Semi-Political*

Fortunately, my DH and I are pretty much on the same page. However, I remember being told about my maternal great grandparents. Women got the right to vote after they were married, if I'm recalling correctly. My great grandfather was a democrat and my great grandmother a republican. She couldn't drive and on election day he would refuse to drive her to the polls knowing she would cancel his vote and so she had to find her own way there.
I don't look at it as loving policies more than people. My politics are based on some real core values that I hold, and it would be very hard for me to be with someone who felt differently. I have friends of different political persuations and it's no problem, but we aren't building a life together and sharing a home. But that's just me. It seems to work out just fine for some people.

Agreed. It is more than living with different politics, it's living with different ideologies.
My husband and I are on different teams...

and that really pisses him off. We cannot discuss anything and that is sad. At first he tried to tell me who to vote for (since I am just a natura)lized citizen I do not know anything) and he tells me to listen to Rush because he knows the truth (yeah right).

When you are in the army and move constantly, live in housing etc. there are certain things you do not realize about your partner until you retire and move to the South.
That must be difficult! It's hard for me to imagine being married to someone who doesn't agree with me on the major issues. However, my brother and SIL often vote differently. As I understand it, they agree on the social issues, but my brother votes for the economic issues, while my SIL votes for the social issues. Or something like that. They seem to be of one mind when it comes to parenting, and they seem to have a happy marriage, so I guess it can be done.

Interesting history, Peaceful!
At first he tried to tell me who to vote for (since I am just a natura)lized citizen I do not know anything) and he tells me to listen to Rush because he knows the truth (yeah right).
Yikes. You have my sympathy.

Peaceful, my hat's off to your grandmother for making it to the polls anyway!
For those that commented about Arnie and Maria Shriver being of opposite parties, when Arnie was first elected Governer of CA, some interviewer asked "Governor, do you and your wife ever argue about politics?" and Arnie replied "No, not since I've been sleeping on the sofa..." LOL.
Diane... :D

My husband has evolved from half-hearted teasing to begging me not to vote. :rolleyes: The man who has known me for 20 years has apparently forgotton how stubborn I am. (Oooh, if I could only vote twice!)
Voting Spouses

I might have it worse: we do vote the same but before I married my hubby he was apathetic about socio-political issues. In my family, apathy doesn't cut it so he started to come around. And them some!! Today, with this election, well the guy is obsessed!! Watching the news until all hours, ranting and raving. It is great actually to see such passion,such commitment and such heart felt enthusiasm. But gosh, if we didn't agree, he'd be couch surfing like Arnold.

Vote everyone. Vote! Vote!
Diane... :D

My husband has evolved from half-hearted teasing to begging me not to vote. :rolleyes: The man who has known me for 20 years has apparently forgotton how stubborn I am. (Oooh, if I could only vote twice!)
Register with ACORN and you can!

I was at a dinner last year and sat at the table with our Republican Representative's press Secretary and his wife. I had been aquainted with him before and knew he was conservative but never met his wife. Oh my, she was extremely left, let everyone at the table know it, sneered whenever the Representatives name came up, and was quite nasty about her husband's job and conservative leanings. One, I thought she was quite rude to be that way with strangers, but I also thought he must be quite the saint to take that, and he was very mild about it, like he was used to it.

I think if you were not like the above, and let each other have their opinions, then it could work, you just have to respect each other.
Register with ACORN and you can!
:D !!!!!!!!! I could always register my dog.

That dinner must have been a bit uncomfortable.

We had friends who are loyal, long-time Democrats (I say "had" only because they moved out of state, and we haven't had much contact lately, not because of politics :) ). They were very nice people, but the woman in that relationship was kinda pushy about her political beliefs. She would invite us to her house for dinner, and we'd be surrounded by anti-Bush stuff. We couldn't look anywhere save our dinner plates without being forced to stare at anti-Republican magnets, pictures, magazines, and books. Seriously. It was like she did that just for us. She would also slip snarky comments into otherwise unrelated conversations. We couldn't help but feel she was challenging us to argue, and it was up to us to not take the bait in order to have a nice evening.

I totally don't get that approach.

My sister-in-law, on the other hand, is the coolest chick. She's a long-time Dem too, very smart, and you can count on her for a fun, respectful discussion.
My father is very left leaning, but quite respectful of others viewpoints. He definately does not agree, but will not purposely enter an arguement. I think with family, that is the way to be. They will be with you much longer than whoever is in office, and keeping peace is important. It would be more difficult with a spouse, that is for sure!

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