Hello! I subscribe to Cathe OnDemand and have enjoyed using it a great deal. I have used the database of recorded Cathe Live workouts extensively and, up until now, have never experienced a problem. In the past, I have always been able to view all of the recorded Cathe Live workouts in chronological order by selecting "Cathe Live" under the drop-down labeled "All Series". Now, when I do that very same thing, it only shows me the most recent 5 recorded workouts. To be specific, when I log on and select "View Your OnDemand Videos Now", I do exactly the following: In the drop-downs I am leaving the Search field blank. I am leaving the All Workout Types as it shows. I am selecting "Cathe Live" in the All Series drop down. When I did this exact same thing previously in numerous occasions, ALL of the Cathe Live workouts would show up. Now, only 5 of them show up. I need to be able to see ALL of them like I have always been able to. Resetting did nothing. Can you help please? Thank you very much!