Once again, I am at a loss


I went home for lunch today & my cable bill had arrived. I had tried to order an on demand movie last week & had problems, so I was wondering if I was past due or something. So I opened the bill right away just to check.

Well, imagine my surprise when I found two charges for on demand porn! Bad Girls of Valley High & 12 hours worth of the Playboy channel. Both on two separate Saturdays. Mind you I haven't been home on Saturday since before Memorial Day.

Conclusion: it's my dogsitter. The president of the SGA, the chair of the town liaison committee, the delightful young lady w/a 4.0 GPA.

I can't even bring myself to mention this to her b/c I'm just too embarassed. I'm just paying the freakin $15 & hoping it doesn't happen again. What else can I do? :eek:
Does the sitter stay all day and all night? Just curious as to how someone could watch 12 hrs of TV.

She's in & out during the day but she stays all night.

I think the Playboy 12 hour thing might be the same thing over & over, you just get to watch it for 12 straight hours, b/c it cost $10 as opposed to the usual $5.

Boy, I'm learning a lot about crap I never wanted to know LOL.
It was only $15??? What channel is this? :p

Actually, I'm sorry for your situation. A friend of mine experienced this before. He and his wife had a friend house sit for a week. When they returned, they were shocked to get a $600 phone bill (976 numbers). Needless to say, they are no longer friends.

Can you just ask her to please not order movies when she dog-sits? Don't mention the type of movie, just movies in general.

My mother always told me...if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all...so I'm not going to say anything }( .

Oh...I just thought of something nice to say...I think you can set up a password and no one can order anything unless that know the code.


Oh come on....you've GOT to bring it up. Mention it in general conversation. SHE is the one who should be embarrased!
On the other hand, maybe she's dropping you some clues. She's got to realize you're going to get billed for those movies.
I just can't bring it up. She takes really good care of my dogs & if I have to cough up an extra $15 a month--even if it is for the degradation of our gender--I'm happy to do it for the pups.

I will definitely check into that password thing though, thanks for the idea. I am just mortified by this whole thing.
I guess the dogsitter thinks she deserves some perks :)

Maximus, it's your choice to let her do this but I have an inkling if it continues it will continue to piss you off.

Like Dani says, she's got to know that you know about it x(
I think I would make sure she knows that you know, you know?!:p I would look into the code thing for sure so it wont happen again.
Hmmmm maybe I'll leave the bill conveniently TAPED TO THE FREAKIN TV SCREEN.

Honestly I'm not even mad about it. I'm just surprised & a little ummmm what's the word.......faklempt? And very embarassed.
We used to have one of my friends dogsit if DH and I went out of town. One time when we got home we noticed that our computer had a really bad virus. Turns out she has set up her own screename on our computer and was going into chat rooms. What kind of chat rooms I don't really want to know, but needless to say the next time she dogsat we locked the office door.

I think you should definitely look into the password thing. My satellite has that option.

Hehehehehehehe. That is so gross. I would definitely change the passcode. I just think it's so funny that she doesn't realize you read your cable bill! LOL


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