on line ordering not processing-HELP!!

Peer Tree


I’ve been desperately trying to pre order the STS dvds but the online ordering program won't process my order. It keeps saying that my info is incomplete but doesn’t tell me what’s missing. I've tried numerous times without success.

I’ve sent an email to your support email address but haven’t received an answer. I included a copy of how I’m filling in the fields in case I’m doing something wrong.

What more can I do now?

Thanks & regards
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Yes to both.

Can I email my order?

I've been trying for days, is the online system international order unfriendly?
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I've tried every answering mutation possible on the online form and it still won't process.

Can't call the order line because it's only for US & Canada.

What's a girl to do!!
OK, so I've hopefully solved this problem.

I've emailed my order to the support email address AND faxed my order to the fax number on the website.

So now my question is: will you honor my (pre) order despite it being sent through "unofficial" channels?

It seemed the only 2 options left open to me.

Thanks & regards
Order problems

We received your fax so you will be okay. I know you emailed your order too, but I want to warn others from doing this as email is not secure. If you're an International customer, you need to make sure required address fields are filled in. In some cases you may need to enter some "dummy" information and then put your correct address in the comments box.
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
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Thank you!!
Thank you!!
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