? on 1RM


How do you figure the percentages of 1RM when doing the workouts? i.e. 60%-70% of 1RM and so on.
thanks Christine
How do you figure the percentages of 1RM when doing the workouts? i.e. 60%-70% of 1RM and so on.
thanks Christine

Multiply 60% or 70% by your 1RM number.

For example:

If your 1RM is 20:

Then 60% of 20 is 12
(20*.6 = 12)

70% of 20 is 14
(20 * .7 = 14)
If you entered your 1 rep max numbers in the WM, the percentages are computed for you when you print out the workout card for the disc you are doing.

Another stupid question, on the workout card under the 1RM column, is that number the amount of weight that is to be used?
after doing the tests for the 1RM, what do the numbers that appear under the 1RM column on the workout card mean? Is that the amount of weight you would lift if you were doing 100%. sorry to be so confused by this, I usually catch onto things quicker than this!
The 1 rep max column on the workout card refers to the max. weight you could lift for one rep based on the weight/rep numbers you entered.

For example: If you used a 50lb BB for standing BB curls and completed 10 reps, your 1 rep max would be 67 lbs. All your percentages are then calculated off that number.



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