Just a note of how our children pick up on these phrases very quickly. I grew up with an Irish mom and I remember her always saying in her accent, "Jeezus Krrrrist" and "Jeezus, Mary and Josefff" at any of lifes stressors. Unfortunately these became reflex phrases for me under the same circumstances. They burble out before I'm aware of them. My lesson was learned when my then three year old daughter was due at preschool and I was trying to get her raincoat on. She wouldn't keep still and her zipper got caught in the material and I said Caitlin.....she interrupts me and says "I know, I know, Jesus Christ." I, of course, tell her that she is not to says those words but can replace them with Jezum Crow. I drop her off at preschool and mention to the teacher under my breath that we are having an issue with a certain swear. She asks which one and I embarrassingly tell her. She says "Oh that one, yes she says that quite a bit. Just the other day Felicia told her she got a new bed and your daughter says all excitedly, "really, JESUS CHRIST!" Doh!!
Now I am hyper aware of my verbal reactions. Gosh is used on an hourly basis in this house.