? older workouts on DVD


I have some older workouts (MIS, MIC, PH, BM, CM, CK, Imax) on video and I'm thinking of updating to DVD. Does anyone know if these DVD's have any premix options or are they strictly the workouts alone. Do you think its worth it?

Also, I don't have PS or CTX yet and was wondering if I need these. I already have S&H, Pyramids, ME, PH, BM, MIS plus the BB DVD's on order. Is there anything in PS that I'm not getting with these other workouts? I didn't buy CTX because I want at least 60 min. cardio sessions and I don't think I'd like doing just one body part per workout. For those that have it, let me know how you use it and what you like about it.

TIA for your input :)

Although there are no premixes per se on any of the DVDs in which you find the workouts you've listed above, IMHO it's totally worth it to replace your vid collection with their DVD counterparts.

Cathe does chapter each of these workouts, although less finely than Intensity Series or Body Blast (Intensity Series is when she invested in new dual-layer software), and you can do a fair amount of mixing and matching and customizing your workouts the way these are chaptered, especially if you have a multi-disc player.

I can't speak to whether you'd be giving a fish a bath if you got PS in addition to your current strength training collection. However, CTX is indeed worth it. CTX comes in two discs: Disc #1 has Step Intervals, Power Circuit, All Step and 10-10-10; Disc #2 has Kickbox, Leaner Legs and a premix if you will of all of the upper body routines strung together. Again, the way Cathe has chaptered each of these discs, especially Disc #1, means that you are not relegated to the cardio strictly as produced; you can zip around among them and string together any combo of any duration you want. Same with the upper body workouts.

I switched over to all-DVD almost a year ago, and I've never regretted it.

Hope this helps -

ctx is awesome..having more than one workout on the dvd..i could do 2 hours of cardio if i was feeling crazy enough. the ctx dvd comes with upper body which is a joining of all the strengh segments in the series..and dont forget about leaner legs. i also praise PS as this was my 1st cathe!!!!

ps..i went all dvd also..best $$ ever spent on fitness;)
I agree with Annette. They are not as high tech as the workouts designed for DVD but DVD's allows such easy navigation that you can quickly and effectively put together segments of various workouts. Compared to VHS, even the most basic DVD rocks and I love the old stuff as much as the new.
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
1. The PH-MIS-BodyMax DVD would definitely be worth it. I am always mixing these up with each other and other workouts and the chapters are excellent for that.
2. The circuit max-CK would NOT be worth it. It has virtually no chapters. No way, for example, to do all cardio or all weights with circuit max. A total waste of money to buy the DVD.
3. IMAX-MIC-RS-that kind of depends on how you like to work out. I personally like the option to split MIC, or do just some of RS and skip to the cool down. IMAX is chaptered by interval so you cannot do blast mania but you can do just your favorite intervals, or even repeat intervals if you like to do that sort of thing. If you totally love these workouts and do them a lot and would like different options with them, then the DVD would be worth it.
4. I use CTX a lot, but never in the original format! No, I don't like doing one body part per day either. I do like the short cardios becuase they are very intense, more than her others. Also you can combine 2 cardios, or sections from 5 of the cardios however you like! It's really great. I also love the ab work in this series. The upper body work is the TOUGHEST of any in my opinion. I cannot get through the entire CTX upper workout! It is also the longest in terms of minutes spent exercising since you get virtually no rest breaks! And Lean Legs-a great short legs workout.
5. Now for PS. I didn't like this at first becuase it was kind of old but over time it has really grown on me and I probably use this one the most of all for my strength training. I think becuase it is so flexible-you can literally make any kind of workout you want. Sometimes I do it as is, sometimes I change it to chst/back and sh/bi/tri. Sometimes I do the standing legs and back/bi; then another day the floor legs and ch/sh/tri to make it two one hour workouts. I do the PS legs A LOT-it is harder than PLB (except maybe for the ball work.) I can go really heavy on the weights (more than S and H) with Pure STrength.
6. Do you like endless variety? Then you must surely eventually buy all of Cathe's DVD's. On the other hand if you can be satisfied doing the same workout for months, then you probably do own enough workouts to keep you in shape without spending any more money!
Thank you for your help! For now, I'm going DVD on MIS/PH/BM & IMAX/MIC/RS and will get CTX. I'm still on the fence about PS so I'm going to wait until I can check out my BB strengh DVD's. I'm sure eventually I will have everything on DVD too ;-)


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