Older exerciser


New Member
Cathe: I am 40 yrs old. I enjoy doing your step workouts and have no problem following or keeping up. However, I am hesitant to use more than one riser on the step and am also hesitant to do any hi/lo aerobics off the step for fear of injuries (I understand it is much easier after 40). I have the following questions:
1. Is it safe for older exercisers to engage in high impact aerobics?
2. Does the addition of another riser add that much more intensity that it is worth the possible increased risk of injury?
3. Will it be safe for me to do the kickboxing and the hi/lo in your new video 6 part series?
Thanks so much for your advice.
I wish I could remember being 40!!!!!

Yeah, baby, you go for it!!!! I didn't start stepping or kickboxing until I was 50! Just start slow, and work up to it if you're not an experienced exerciser. I know you "asked Cathe," but I couldn't resist jumping with my encouragement.

Chick, age is NO barrier!!!!
Careful Allyson..

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-00 AT 05:29AM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-00 AT 05:25 AM (EST)

hehehehe You are about to feel like a young woman...between doing Cathes wonderful workouts and all the great tips that you are about to receive from the "senior" class of Cathe-ites...you will soon learn that life starts at 40.
Not to make light of your great questions...and I am not Cathe either, but I echo Huneybunchs advice on taking it slow and working within your own limits. I do believe, as long as you are healthy, hi impact is actually beneficial as we age..it helps strengthen bones(?). I leave the question mark because I am not an expert in any of that info...just stuff I have read on my own.

Happy stepping from this youngin' at 37

Life DOES begin after 40. I didn't start Cathe until last year (I'm 45) and have never felt better. I started with one riser until I felt like I wasn't as challenged, then added the second. Some days I still need to switch to a lower height - even in the middle of a workout. Be flexible, listen to your body, and have FUN!!

And, Nancy is right, weight bearing exercise is great for the bones (so says my husband the orthopod).

Thanks so much everyone

Thanks for your responses...I used to do high impact classes before I got pregnant & put on weight. I really enjoyed regular high impact aerobic classes but was afraid to start doing it again. I guess I will start trying some tapes slowly & see how it goes (I just started exercising again one month ago after 5 years of doing no exercise at all). I think I will also sign up to purchase the new videos! Your responses are encouraging! Thanks!
Older Exercisers

I'm 46 years old and I don't have any problem doing step on 8". Also I don't have any problems doing kickboxing. I've been doing kickboxing now for a year. Started having a touch of arthritis on the right side of my right knee. On those days when it acts up I just take the step down to 6" and then I'm fine. I still get a great workout. So you go girl and take that step up to 8" without any fear of injuries occurring. Try it maybe a section at a time instead of doing the whole tape on 8" at one time. In other words, gradually ease your body into it and see how you feel. Good luck! Kathy
Hi Allyson!

Ditto, Ditto, Ditto on everyone's comments. I am rounding the corner to 48 and let me tell you, I never knew how fun a step workout or strength training could be. I had done several Step tapes before but never really cared for it til I discovered Cathe...and I use an 8" step! You will definitely get hooked no matter what tape you start with. They are ALL GREAT! If you are fairly new to Step, The Wedding tape might be a good starter for you. (I've been married for almost 28 years so don't let the name scare you.) It's also good because it includes a strength workout. If you decide to get into the strength, both the PS series and Maximum Intensity Strength are the best weight tapes I have ever used. Well, just thought I'd share a thought or two with you. Let us know what you decide. Can't end this w/o saying that BodyMax and Maximum Intensity Cardio are great too! We love to help others spend their $$$$.)
I'm almost 46 and...

I make no modifications due to my age. I think ANYBODY can be injured if they bite off too much at first.

I use 6 to 8 inch boxes, do hi/lo, and fairly heavy weights (up to 60 lbs) on a regular basis. Never felt better!

Go for it!

another vintage model checking in :)


I'll be 43 in a few weeks & I've been doing Cathe for a year now -- LOVE HER!! I don't know if my knees will ever let me go to an 8" board, but Cathe's workouts kick my butt on a 6" board & I can get a decent workout on a 4" board with tapes like Step Jam & Power Max.

Also, my knees have gotten so much better since I've committed to my strength routine. I have a love/hate realtionship with squats!
40 is young!

I'm 47....once in a while my right knee acts up and I will go down to a 6" step, but mostly I use 8", I make no other modifications generally. My mom will be 70 and does step too (at the Y) I'd love to get her doing Cathe tapes! She does have a full-size step at home.
I also swim daily and lift weights....I refuse to give in to my age - if I think I'm old, I will be. I take gym classes 4 days a week at my work fitness center too, and while sometimes others 1/2 my age will struggle to keep up with the instructor, I am working hard but not struggling. Working hard is what it's about, to me.
Of the regular swimmers that swim with me in the mornings, only 2 are faster than I am. Both are younger, one is male. Don't let your age get into your mind set about exercising!! Listen to your body, not your mind telling you you're old.
Barbara p
Older Excerciser

Hi Allyson.. I'm 53 1/2 years old. I have been into fitness for most of my life and have no plans to stop or decrease the intensity. I hit slumps every now and then but I usually come out of it by bribing myself in some way.

Yesterday, I finished learning Step Works. What a workout! Last year on my 53rd birthday, I did Body Max but it was to prove a point to myself. Now I do Body Max in combined segments.

Just my .2!

You kid, you!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-00 AT 05:24PM (EST)</font></center>

Joining Donna at 53 1/2, I can vouch for the truth that fit happens at any age!

I get a plenty good workout with a 6" inch step. I add intensity with hops and full-range movements, without incurring the knee stress of the higher step (I'm kinda short.) I do StepJam and StepWorks often, and the step portion of the Wedding Tape from time to time.

Right now, I'm using Cathe's PS upper body tapes. I just purchased a 20 lb. dumbbell, because it was awkward holding on to the 15 plus a 3 or 5 for those lawnmower pulls. I can probably use it for triceps, too. As long as you work up carefully, with attention to good form and your own limits, there's no reason not to challenge yourself, regardless of age.
5 year layoff

the fact that you've had such a long lay off is a flag to "watch it and go carefully, as everyone has said. That you can even contemplate Cathe's stuff is excellent; but I'd bet most of us in the senior class have been at this fitness awhile. I am 48, too. Listen to your body--an injury from too much too soon isn't going to get you there.

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