Older Cathe Tapes


Active Member
I'm getting ready to purchase some more tapes and I just wanted some opinions about her older tapes. I was thinking of getting the PS series (I do have MIS, would the pS Series still be good?) I also wanted to get more of her all step tapes. I have IMAX, Circuit Max, Body MAX and MIC. I want to maybe buy Step Works, Step Jam and PowerMax, are they as intense as her newer tapes. I posted a long time ago with a similar question, but now I can't find it. Thanks for your opinions!

You have Cathe's most intense videos. Power Max, Step Jam, and Step Works are a little less intense. Still, your heart rate will get in your training zone. They are all great choices. I adore Power Max and Step Jam (I am more lukewarm on Step Works- but I am in the minority here). Step Fit is another favorite.
Thank you for your help! Since the intensity is a little less, do you think my areobics capacity (maybe not the right word) will be less?

Thank you.

Hi Kim,
Do you mean will you be able to maintain your aerobic capacity doing these (slightly) less intense tapes? I would say yes! They still provide a great workout. Besides, I am a firm believer in mixing up workout intensities. I certainly have less intense tapes than Power Max (let alone MIC or IMax!) that I do on a regular basis (sometimes in these cases I lengthen my workout, though). I do not like to go "all out" every time I work out. I let my mood dictate how intense my workout is going to be.
I hope I did not misunderstand your question and sorry I went on for so long.
Hey KA! Yes I think you answered my question, (and you didn't go on too long!) I wrote that question too quick. I was wondering if mixing less intense tapes w/ the more intense ones, would the more intense tapes eventually become more harder again. But if they're only a little less intense, then it should be ok. Thanks again.


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