I'm doing the January rotation after not working out for about 3 weeks and gaining a few extra pounds over the holidays.

Today I subbed Body Fusion for SJP. For some reason my SJP dvd wasn't working right in my machine.
I just did my SJP workout today. I really enjoyed it. Day #1 gone. This is my first Cathe rotation. I am really excited to keep up with everyone.

I think I am going to start the June 2003 Rotation someone pulled up on another thread. Since I just received my S&H this might actually be to my advantage to prepare for the hardcore series.

I plan on starting Monday. I think we should do a new thread everyday that way it won't get so long and get buried. What does everyone think?

Count me in- I've been slacking lately and need this to get back on track! I'm starting on Monday and will check back in! :)

I'm going to jump in and do this one too! I've never actually finished a Cathe rotation before, started several but never finished any. LOL There's a few workouts I'm missing so will have to subsitute a bit. I might try to add a little running on the treadmill as got one for Christmas. I'll start with JP tomorrow. Kim
I'm in - at least until Wed as I have to have an impacted wisdom tooth pulled. I plan on working out that day before I go but Thursday may be pushing it. We shall see.

alrighty, I'm convinced :) Although, I need a week off to recover from gallbladder surgery on the 7th. :) Hopefully I'll be back to normal within 7-10 days.
Oh, I'm so excited about this. This is great to see so many interested in this rotation. This should be fun.

I don't have all the tapes, I just ordered them and I'll have 3 days on the first week that I'll have to make some substitutions. What would be good to sub for these?

Kick, Punch and Crunch
Legs and glutes
Pyramid upper body

Also, starting a new thread everyday is a good idea!


take care:)
Hi, for KPC uses Cardio kicks, for substitute L & G uses LL and the stability ball exercises in PLB and to substitute PUB uses MIS.Hope this helps.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
I am going to join this very popular group - I haven't been doing a check-in for a while and I need the motivation and accountability.
Even though I absolutely dread doing SJP - it is my all time least favorite Cathe workout- I will be downstairs tomorrow morning at 6 am striking poses and tripping over my feet.
me! me! meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not starting until NEXT Monday though, since I already planned out this week's rotation.
I am pretty sure I am going to do it.I printed off the Look Great in 8 program but I am afraid that when the new workouts come out I won't finish the program.
Today will be the first day, so its S,J&P which I enjoy.I am hoping to stick with it.I am usually one of those who does whatever I feel like, I am not use to following something.But I think I need to ,to get the results I want.
Count me in, when does the check in start?

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