Okay,...Help me pick a DVD....Please!


I am torn between the ME/BC dvd or the PH, MIS, BM dvd.

I have both ME and PH in VHS, but want to upgrade to dvd anyways. Both of these dvds get great comments, but if you had to pick ONLY one.........:7

If I had to only pick one, I think that I would go with the PH/MIS/BM dvd. ONly because you are getting 3 workouts in one, and you said that you already have ME and PH on VHS. So I think that dvd can wait for anohter month when you can afford to buy another DVD.

I like PH. I will admit that I haven't seen MIS or BM, though. But out of BC, ME, and PH, I like PH the best.
I agree with Kathy.

I use MIS, PH and BM all the time. I just did MIS this morning. I love BC and ME, too but I don't reach for them as much as this DVD.
Both really great choices. But I just bought ME/BC in DVD for the premixes. I also already have the PH,MIS,BM DVD....you will be happy whichever one you choose...:)...Carole
Tough decision!! The benefit of getting the PH+ dvd is that you will be getting a great cardio workout with BodyMax. BM is a very versatile workout in that you can divide it into three 30 minute workouts (intense step-cardio; cardio-leg circuits; upper body weights), or do it all as one 90 minute killer routine.

So, if you want some additional cardio as well as weight work, get PH+.

Well, once again your help was wonderful! I am going to get the PH/MIS/BM dvd for now. Thanks to all of you!!!:7 :7

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