Okay - everyone who has signed up for the trip...

I haven't decided on my flight either. I don't even know where I will be flying from yet (I can fly right from Peoria, which will be easier, or I can fly from Chicago, which will be more difficult but cost half as much). I will be taking that Friday off of work so I can arrive early-mid afternoon in Philly. If we get there early, we can go SHOPPING! :D

I know! I can't believe it is FINALLY going to happen. Can't wait to meet you too!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I haven't been on the Cathe forum in like a week, and luckly I saw the sign up for the road trip this morning. I am coming from south jersey, so I will probably try to save on hotel money and just come home at night (only a 30 minute drive, I think). This is just the kick I need to get back to my serious workouts. See you all there!

Sabrina, I don't know yet. I don't plan on making all my travel arrangements right away - I need to do some research and find the best prices from both airports. I am hoping DH will just let me fly from Peoria - it would be so much easier. :)
>PS: DebbieH and Susan C.M. we FINALLY get to meet each other
>after all these years!! Whoo Yoo!!

I'm really looking forward to it. Now... I just need a roomate.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
>PS: DebbieH and Susan C.M. we FINALLY get to meet each other
>after all these years!! Whoo Yoo!!

I'm really looking forward to it. Now... I just need a roomate.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
I'm going. Jes and Marla, it will be great to see you guys again.

Haven't heard from Shonie yet. I hope she signs up today.

Laura and Nadine, will you guys be there?

OH! Pinky! I'm sop glad you are going to go!!! that's awesome!! I think i saw that Shonie and Laura are going but i haven't heard from Nadine. Maybe she is in AZ or NM still??????????? see you there!!!

Jes, I was debating about it the very minute I saw the announcement. See, July 17 is my husband's birthday. Then I got this e-mail from Shonie. And I talked to my husband. And he said that if I'm going to NJ that week, maybe he and our boy can fly to NY to see my aunt. Maybe... I'm afraid that my son won't be able to handle NY with his sensory issues just yet. Anyway, I hope we hear from Shonie soon. I know she's always wanted to go. Yes, I also saw Laura's post about wanting to go. I hope Nadine is going, too.

Emily and Sabrina and whoever else! -

I will probably be flying out of Chicago O'Hare. If either of you wants to coordinate flights on Friday, let me know!


Thanks for the offer but I am pretty sure I am going to fly out of Peoria. It is a lot closer for me. (unless we meet up if I go from Peoria to Chicago)! Could happen! We'll have to check that out!
Cool! I will either be switching planes at O'Hare, or flying out of O'Hare, so I'm definitely up for coordinating something.

Everyone who wants to coordinate flights, rental cars, hotels, what color of toothbrush you bring, etc - let's all get each other's email addresses. Sometimes our posts can get burried pretty deep in these long threads.

Mine is [email protected]

I have wondered the same thing. I will feel bad for some that want to go and won't see the announcement in time. I am assuming they will probably post an announcement that all slots are filled. Hopefully, they will have a waiting list in case some can't make it at the last minute and they can just re-imburse the person who paid already. Just an idea. See you SOON!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Sabrina!

Just so you all know, I did some calculations last night with the calendar, and I will NOT have PMS on the road trip. Wow. Was that a collective sigh of relief I just heard?:p

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