ok.......who has


All of the gym style leg equipment mentioned in the STS post. I don't and even if I bought some, have NOWHERE to put it. I'm a little bummed about it and am wondering who will just have to use the scripted leg workouts that were mentioned. I know she said it's still an awesome workout, but I'll feel like I'm not getting the most from the program with my little barbell. I used to belong to a gym and it got so crowded I didn't have the time to wait for machines to open. Plus, it's an extra expense and I work out early in the AM. If I'm understanding it correctly, the squat rack is the main peince of equiupment? Hmmmm...I just remember that I have a Boflex weight machine I could use for leg extensions and curls I guess. But they don't use plated weights.
Hey, Kim! I just read my email update and AM PUMPED UP NOW!

At home here, I have the leg extension and leg curl on my weight bench. I've been using the dip handles on my power tower as a squat rack, so I think I will be set for this, but we'll see!

Feel the excitement??? lol

I'm excited and was just looking at squat racks. Maybe I could fit one in the garage but how would I get Cathe out there with me? ALso, don't you have to buy all the weights seperately?
That's what I'm wondering. All the equipement, but in the garage. Maybe I could find a small affordable portable dvd player?

I'm one of the lucky ones. I have a Smith Marcy Machine with all the attachments that are required for a STS gym workouts. My husband also bought a chin up bar. So I'm ready!

I can hardly wait. I've been waiting for this for a very long time. I can't stand to be at a gym and love to do workouts in the privacy of my own home.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


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