OK to work abs daily??


I just had a a recent check up with my doctor, who agrees I really could stand to drop a few, especially in light of the fact that I want to be able to teach kickboxing, and be able to give a good example of a healthy lifestyle in so doing.

Doc think me joining Weight Watchers for Men is a great idea, but I'm not going to sabotage myself by joining now, not with 2 weeks in Disney, followed by the holidays...(mmmmm Tastykake Peanut Butter Cake with Hershey Bar topping).

So after the first of the year, I'm taking the plunge, and joining weight watchers on line.

Anyhoo, Doc says it is ok to work the abs daily, I had always thought you treat the abs like any other muscle, work it every other day..what do you think, Cathe?? Do you agree??

I know there are a lot of opinions on this issue. I work my abs daily as I was intructed to do that by my doctor. Like many people, I USED to have trouble with my back. One of the keys is keeping strong abs. I do a different ab workout daily, making sure I don't use weights every day. I like Cathe's ab hits, alternating all her workouts along with a few others. As a result I have no back problems, strong abs and definition.
I think working abs daily would be similar to doing lighter weights for muscle endurance everyday.. it tightens them and makes them a little stronger (think like doing Cathes LIC or similar everyday?), which is real good for core strength.

But then again, I don't think EVERY DAY is very effecive-- even for abs. Maybe 5 days a week whenever you do regualr weight training to ad some in, but not on days when you don't even weight train.

If you want BIGGER ab muscles, the kind of abs that stick out and are way defined (especially desireable for males) then you would treat it like any other muscle and work it 2-4 X per week. This is what I do. (I used to train them everyday when I weight trained and was trying to lose weight).
But now I train 2-3 X per week and Ive even started using weights now that I have some basic structure, strength and endurance.
I wouldn't weight train them though until most of the extra weight you want to lose is lost first.. bigger muscles under a lot of extra fat just makes bulkier fat.. you still need to lose it to see any definition :)

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