Dr. Joel Fuhrman discusses this topic in his book "Eat to Live" and explains that our concern is not in how much calcium we consume, but in how much we absorb vs excrete. There are many dietary factors that induce calcium loss in the urine:
animal protein
refined sugar
aluminum-containing antacids
drugs such as antibiotics, steroids, thyroid hormone
vitamin A supplements
"All unprocessed natural foods are calcium-rich; even a whole orange (not orange juice) has about 60mg of calcium." p. 90 Eat to Live
I know that I feel my best when I limit my dairy consumption. My skin is much clearer and I am less bloated. I have stopped buying cow's milk as I have found that dairy causes my oldest daughter to be congested all the time. I bought some ice cream over the holiday as a treat and all yesterday she was sniffling and stuffed up.
YES YES YES! SO TRUE about balancing what is in your body!
My neighbor says the same thing about her daughter, Coradora, and one of my daughter's friends says that when she "doesn't drink milk I don't feel foggy."
I did some research a couple of years ago, when I was concerned about my calcium intake, and found that the cultures where the least amount of animal protein had the lowest instances of bone density problems and related fractures, and the countries that consumed the
most dairy actually had the
highest! I cannot remember for the life of me where I read it, maybe The China Study? But then I started researching where to find calcium and found out that Calcium isn't even the "one" mineral that our bones need, we need dozens of minerals for healthy bones and each and every single one of those minerals is found in a variety of vegetables (but mostly green), peanuts, almonds, sesame seeds, beans, etc. Salmon even has some calcium in it. Plus, if you do any kind of weight bearing exercises you are already protecting your bones.
The more I have researched the entire dairy topic, the more I feel like we have been brainwashed into believing a "Calcium
from milk for strong bones" marketing scheme.
Some people are absolutely fine on dairy, but I want to emphasize:
No body is the same, and if your body is telling you that something isn't working, no matter what it is, then it's
not right for you so give it up. I keep hearing how good Chia seeds are for you but whenever I try I am doubling over in pain so I don't do it. We are pretty much made up of the same thing, but everyone has different chemistry so we need to pay close attention to how our bodies respond to what we do.