Ok, I love my kids but.....


DH and I are "kidless" until Friday! They went to spend their last week of Christmas vacation with grandparents in Cleveland doing lots of fun stuff. So, DH and I are kind of secretly, guiltlessly enjoying our alone time;)

Tomorrow we'll take the day off and go for some hikes, pack a picnic lunch (yep, it's gonna be 40 degrees in Ohio and that's toasty, lol), do some post-Christmas shopping (I've got $70 in gift cards to Dick's sporting good -yeah, baby!)

Our house is quiet, and we're enjoying reconnecting and havin' fun:p

I'm sure by Friday the quiet will be too much and I'll want my boys back, however.

Heidi, thinking about grabbing a glass of wine and relaxin' with the dogs
Ha! Don't feel bad...every parent needs a break. Since my husband and I split time with my daughter 50/50. She's with him Tuesday/Thursday and every other weekend. It works out well for my sanity, but she's been with him since Thursday morning and I won't see her until this Friday after work because it's his "vacation" week with her...and I miss her SO much! I've called her 3 times already. You'll be ready to see them by the end of the week, but enjoy your wine! I only allow myself 1 glass when she's around.
I'm just thinking of that KY Yours and Mine commercial where the parents have the house to themselves for the afternoon...

This also makes me think of a former co-worker who's kids hung around outside Mom and Dad's closed bedroom door one morning, their young son whining from the other side "MOOOoom... DAAAaad... What are you guys DOING in there...?"
enjoy your childfree time!

i just dropped our 2 oldest off w/ my mom for the night, something that hasnt happened in AGES! our house is eerily quiet right now too.

its just us and a 2-month old, who will go to bed early.
oh, what to do with the time,......!;)
I'm just thinking of that KY Yours and Mine commercial where the parents have the house to themselves for the afternoon...

This also makes me think of a former co-worker who's kids hung around outside Mom and Dad's closed bedroom door one morning, their young son whining from the other side "MOOOoom... DAAAaad... What are you guys DOING in there...?"

HA! We always laugh at the Viagra commercial of the lady and gentleman in separate tubs, in the middle of the woods, holding hands. LOL I'd like to SEE somebody with those tubs outside like that!

Enjoy yourself, and if you get too lonely, I can certainly loan out 2 very rammy boys for a day or so.....HECK....even just an HOUR or 2! :)



My DH travels sooooo much so I never get any alone time with him, or down time for myself. I'm dreaming right now of a nice hot bath and a book and some mind numbing show on TV. But since 2 young boys want to play with more Christmas presents, THAT'S not gonna happen

BTW If I play Don't break the Ice one more time, I might just ACCIDENTALLY step on it!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Have a great time! My 3 girls spent two nights at my parents last week. It was blissful. And think about how much fun they'll be having making memories with their grandparents. Not everyone is so lucky:)

I'm the same way, though. Can't wait for a break, but when they're gone I'm wondering what they're doing, why they haven't called, etc. Kids, gotta love 'em!
Enjoy yourself!! I sometimes get a little giddy when my girls just go off with their dad for a couple of hours and I can be all alone! :) My oldest is going to a sleep over birthday party and I was thinking...hmmm, I'll get the little one off to sleep early and maybe spend some time enjoying some quiet...then I realized I have a hair appointment at 7 p.m. with my little one....so much for quiet - she'll probably be bawling her eyes out the whole time. Oh well, maybe she'll wear herself out and fall asleep on the ride home.

I love my girlies more than anything, but it's nice to have some time alone occasionally (or with a spouse if that is the case - it's just not mine so time alone works for me!) :)
Did you ever see that episode of The Simpson's where all the kids were going off to summer camp? The parents were hugging their kids and they cried as the buses took off. Once the buses were far enough away one of the parents popped a cork on a champagne bottle and someone yelled "And don't come back!" Having not had kids, I'm missing all the fun.
Oh, I know, isn't it fabulous!!!! This Summer, my 2 were packed off to see all their relatives in London, UK, and we had our first time away from the kids ever, the eldest is 15!!!

It was nice. Yeah, I adore my girls, but it was nice to be a single person again, not just a mother!

Enjoy this special time!!!!


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