Ok...I could just cry


I was trying to do the 1RM calculation and about 30 min into it, I felt like I was doing it wrong. If you don't print anything, do you have to stand here at the computer while testing so you can input? I'm SO overwhelmed it makes me not want to re-order STS. I thought I had chosen Disc 1 but it went back into all the exercises about halfway down. I'm thoroughly confused. I need a class on how to do this!

I was trying to do the 1RM calculation and about 30 min into it, I felt like I was doing it wrong. If you don't print anything, do you have to stand here at the computer while testing so you can input? I'm SO overwhelmed it makes me not want to re-order STS. I thought I had chosen Disc 1 but it went back into all the exercises about halfway down. I'm thoroughly confused. I need a class on how to do this!


It is really very simple. Just choose a few exercises that you want to test for like, one arm rows, barbell curls, and kickbacks. Then just select a weight for each exercise that you think you can do for a maximum of ten reps. Perform each exercise and do as many reps as you can. Then record your weight lifted and the actual number of reps you did on a sheet a paper. When you have time just go to the 1RM calculator and first select one of the STS exercises you just did from the dropdown list (more detailed instructions are available on the website). Then enter the weight you lifted for that exercise and the actual number of reps you just did. Then click the calculate button and your 1RM will be calculated for you. All that is left to do is click the save button. Your 1RM total will then forever be saved and will automatically load for any STS workout containing the exercise you just tested anytime you schedule an STS workout. Then repeat these steps for the other exercises you just tested for.

If you find this confusing you may just want to wait until we finish working on the 1RM calculator and release our step by step video instructions. Remember, you don’t have to do a 1RM test if you don’t want to. You can continue selecting your weights the way you do now, which is probably based on your previous lifting experience and by taking an educated guess. A 1RM test is not a requirement for STS, you will just get better results if you take a test than if you don’t. This true not only of STS, but any and every weight workout program.

Also, looking at your "MyCatheSpace" it looks like you have already done a lot of 1RM tests, so you’re well on your way. The STS workouts that you print from our calendar are not what you use to take a 1RM test. These are the actual workouts that you will use when you have your STS discs.

All you need to do now is to continue taking a 1RM test for any exercise that you have not already done so for. Once you receive your STS disc you will then go to our calendar and select the STS disc that you’re doing that day. As long as you have done your 1RM tests the weight you will need for every exercise will automatically load onto your workout card. You then just print your workout card and you’re off to do the workout with the proper weight for your ability.
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Thanks so much for helping me. I feel stupid for not being able to get this right away. I do have one question though. You mentioned that the STS workouts that I print from the calendar are not what I use to take a 1RM test....that they are the actual workouts that I will use when I have the actual STS discs. If that's the case, how do I know I'm getitng all the needed exercises for STS if I'm just randomly selecting to test?

well I don't feel rushed since I don't expect STS anytime in the immediate future. I'll wait for the video explanations! ha.
I'm wondering if it'd be better to do it closer to doing STS anyway incase I increase in strength till then. Maybe even get my 1RMs before each mesocycle?
Thanks so much for helping me. I feel stupid for not being able to get this right away. I do have one question though. You mentioned that the STS workouts that I print from the calendar are not what I use to take a 1RM test....that they are the actual workouts that I will use when I have the actual STS discs. If that's the case, how do I know I'm getitng all the needed exercises for STS if I'm just randomly selecting to test?


Don't feel stupid. I'm glad you asked the question, because I didn't understand it either. :)
Dont feel stupid..
I just undersood with the explanation.

Administrator: When do you think the video explanations will be up??? I dont have a rush, I think I will just wait for them! hehe
I know lots of people are going ahead and testing for their 1RM's but maybe waiting is better. I think I'll do that and hopefully by then, it will be easier :eek:

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