Oil of Olay-Regenerist or Definity?


I remember there was a discussion a little while back about various skin care products. Oil of Olay came up quite a bit with these two product lines in particular.

I am wondering what are the differences between these as I cannot really gather that from the website alone. They both seem to be anti-aging products from what I can tell.

I wanted to hear from those of you that have used either or both of these lines and your thoughts!

Thank you!
Hi Rose. Olay can be very confusing, and I haven't figured it all out. However, I've been using the Definity spf "deep foam" moisturizer for several weeks and I don't like it. It leaves little white specks on my face and it looks like my eyebrows have dandruff. My skin is not "luminous" and the dark spots are still there. The bottle is almost done, and I won't be buying it again. (What's with the silly foam anyway?).

I've had good results with the Regenerist serums that are made with the pentapeptides. Love the smell too. I don't know whether there are other lines with more pentapeptides, because Olay does not give a percentage. With all the new evidence about pentapeptides, I may try one of the more expensive brands that give the concentration levels next time to make sure I'm getting the maximum benefit.

Other than that, you can go nuts at the drugstore looking at all the face scrubs and toners and all that stuff. x(

Thank you for the information! Yes...one can certainly go nuts looking at all of the lotions, creams and potions that are offered on the drug store shelves.

I literally found myself with a blank stare as I tried to comb through all of Olay's products alone!! There are so many.

Perhaps I will try the regenerist for now. I have the quintessential combination skin...oily t-zone and dry everywhere else. I have noticed that my skin has changed noticeably in just the past couple of years. I am really starting to take a whole new look at skin care products and would like to do something about the "dullness" of my complexion.

Thanks again!
I use the regenerist and love it. I'm 41 and that's my impression of the target for that product. I think the Definity is for older skin - 50s or skin with other discolorations.
I read that thread to and went out and bought myself some Olay regenerist. I LOVE it!!!! It feels so smooth and silky on my face when I put in on but then completely absorbs for a non greasy feel. I also feel that my skin looks better, less acne flare-ups, and seems to have a healthy shine to it. I am very happy with it.

I took Nancy's word for it, maybe you should too!


Good Luck!
I have used Clinique only products for years. I started using Regenerist a couple of months ago and I LOVE it! I too, thought about trying the Definity (glad I read this thread about the 'side effect's or after effects I should say), but why change if something is working, right? :) I bought some of the serum last month but haven't been faithful in using it.
I really like the regenerist products. I use the cleanser and eye cream. I don't really like the moisturiser though. I break out easy and can only use the yellow clinque stuff?
Regenerist serum contains pentapeptides (although in unknown concentrations). Dr. Christiane Northrup states:

"Fibroblasts are cells that produce collagen in skin. These cells produce less collagen with age for reasons that aren't clear. We do know that they haven't lost the ability because when aging fibroblasts are placed in cell culture and stimulated by growth factors, they can produce significant quantities of collagen.

One of the factors that stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen is a small segment of the collagen molecule itself, known as a pentapeptide fragment. Researchers have found that it is an effective stimulator of both collagen and fibronectin synthesis - both of which are important components of the interstitial matrix around skin cells.

Testing of this pentapeptide (3% concentration) on a panel of 35 subjects for a period of 6 months demonstrated significant to highly significant changes over a placebo cream as well as a commercial 5% vitamin C product."

So, the Regenerist products are actually based upon real research. With all the false claims out there, this is very refreshing! :D

Plus the stuff smells delicious. :p
I, too, took Nancy's advice and tried the Regenerist line. I love it! I have been using the Regenerist serum, eye lift, and night time moisturizer in the evening. In the mornings I use the Total Effect serum. Nothing short of surgery is going to eliminate the crow's feet and deeper lines, but this helps a lot with the fine lines. I tried the Definity moisturizer once, and I did not like it at all. I am 57 and have normal/combination skin. For some reason, any of the products that are supposed to make the skin look "luminous" or "dewy" just end up making my skin look oily. Yuck! And Definity is one of those products. I used it one time and pitched the rest. I will stick with the Regenerist. And thank you, Nancy!!!

You're very welcome, MissL! :D

Roses, it's possible you may be too young to get any benefit from Regenerist yet.
Yes, Regenerist is the stuff Consumer Reports rated #1 for wrinkle reduction. I saw the news story--there were definitely good results.
I agree with MissL.

I have been using the Regenerist line for about a year now and really liked the results, but when my moisturizer ran out I bought a bottle of Definity just to try. It does make my face does feel a lot greasier.

I will definitely go back to the Regenerist when this is gone.
Ok, so can anyone shed some light on what would be good to use to prevent wrinkling? Would it be those that have Retin A or whatever that one is? I'm 34 and don't know which way to go with my skincare regimen!!

To prevent wrinkling just keep your face out of the sun, or covered with sunblock at all times. You should expose your legs or arms to the sun to some extent so you can absorb vitamin D, which is very important for health, but never enough to burn or tan. According to Dr. Northrup, it's also important to eat a low glycemic diet. "Too many refined carbohydrates and not enough nutrients results in cellular inflammation and glycosylation in the collagen of the skin. When this happens, the collagen becomes stiff and inflexible."

In short, live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise, eat well, avoid smoking and the sun.
Another way to prevent wrinkles - don't rub your eyes. I was plagued with allergies for several years and rubbed, rubbed, rubbed my eyes and now I can see where the skin is like - loose or something on my upper lid. They also say waking up with "pillow wrinkles" can contribute , so if that's a reoccurring problem , I would get a satin pillow case.

I tried Definity and it made me get large zits. I would use it and wake up with a big pimple - every morning one new one. I quit and no pimples - tried again - a new pimple every morning! I will try the regenerist.
You can do a live chat at Olay.com. I did that, and the lady recommends Regenerist line for me. I use night cream and SPF 15 lotion. I like Regenerist though DH said the fragrance in the night cream is strong. And he said he could taste it (bad) when he kisses me.

According to the lady at Olay I chatted with, serum, lotion and cream are just the same formula except different thickness/density. Creams are the thickest and serum the thinnest.

Anybody here use the Regenerist cleanser?
I took your suggestion and went to the Olay site had an online consultation and Regenerist line was suggested with specific product suggestions in response to what I said. Great service and I will be off to Target to try some products. Thanks

You were right about the regenerist line not quite being for me at this time. I went on the website and did the live consultation. They recommended the Total Effects line. I never even considered this line before; I guess I was drawn to the newer products.

Thank you for your insight!!

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