Oh no!!!!!!


I just did it!! Bought the entire hard core series. I have been telling myself no, but as the deadline was creeping up, I just couldn't stop myself.
Me too Lizzy!! And my husband didn't put up as much of a stink as I thought he would-that's what a few beers and a steak will do for ya!:) I can't wait to get all the new workouts. Now I have to go and buy a DVD player for the basement. Oh well, that's why I work, after all.

Take care all,

I just did it today too!! The whole thing! I was resisting because of the cost and because I was a little mad about being "left out" with the DVD-only thing, but in the end I just had to...Body Blast was such a letdown and these sound so great! I will just have to shell out some more for another DVD player whenever they come out - which probably won't be for a while anyway.

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