Oh, my poor GRANDMOTHER!!!!!! Sorry long!


:-( Hi All! I found out Tuesday of last week that I would be starting my new position Monday April 12th, so we decided to take a mini vacation to Myrtle Beach. We went to visit my grandmother (who is 84 and I am extremely close to) before we left. She has not been doing very well as she became majorly depressed when she thought there was a chance of us moving down south and on top of that, she was not taking her antidepressants! I didn't tell her we were going on vacation because all she would do is worry. Before we left, I called my uncle and sister to make sure they checked on gram. Her balance has been way off and a few days prior to us leaving she fell and hit her head on a glass pane and broke it, but miraculously she didn't need any stitches! Anyway, I had this feeling something was going to happen to my grandmother when I left for vacation (intuition). We got down to Myrtle Beach and I did not call until Thursday, and then I found out my grandmother fell down a whole flight of stairs at her home! I was devastated and of course the guilt sank in! She is now in the hospital with the worst bruises I have ever seen! Unbelievable how purple/blue and large they are. They cover her neck, head, back and buttocks. She has a compression fracture of the vertebra. I had been wanting my grandmother to get an apartment because she would be able to associate with people, play games, etc. Also, she wouldn't have to worry about the stairs. She was very lonely at home with no one to talk with an nothing to do except worry about everything! After the hospital she will be going to a nursing home for therapy and then eventually to an apartment.
Hi LIsa,

Your poor grandmother indeed! She's been having a rough time. I hope she gets well soon.

I hope you feel better also!

lisa...your poor granny..i do hope she is feeling better....thank God that she didn't break a hip or worse....at least she will get PT/OT to strengthen her back up..keep us posted.
I'm so sorry Lisa! I hope she recovers quickly. Don't feel guilty. This could have happened if you were IN town. Keep us posted. Thinking of you both.
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Hi Lisa,
I just wanted to say how sad I felt when I read about your Grandmother. I hope she is feeling better soon.
It just breaks my heart when I read about that sort of thing happening those we love.. makes me miss my own Nanna so very much.
All my best wishes to your Grandmother.. all the way from Australia.
:D Thanks for your kind words ladies! I will send grandma your best wishes! I saw her tonight in the hospital and she seems to be going downhill mentally. I am scared once my uncles gets her in the nursing home she won't get back out if she can't take care of herself.

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