Oh my goodness GG-Chest,Shoulders and Biceps


I just want to say I way understimated that band. Every was grumbling every time she said get the band. It has become my worst enemy! LOL! What a great burn. Whew!
It's a continuing process.....
I just finished this one a few minutes ago, it's gonna hurt tomorrow. That little band creates quite a burn! ;-)
I haven't done her workouts w/ the band yet but I know at the gym I regretted when she told us to grab the band :( Next day I could never walk right :)
I just did this one today....and can I just say forget DOMS I have IOMS (Instant Onset Muscle Soreness)...lol

If I'm this sore now.....I might as well forget eating tomorrow because I won't be able to pick up a fork tomorrow......Oh, wait, diet control comes w/ these workouts.....What a great concept! lol


BTW....I loved this workout!

"Happiness is knowing what you are doing next without me saying it!" - Cathe
I was also pleasantly surprised at how effective the band felt. (I like the IOMS term!). I just did Back/Shoulders/Biceps today, and am somewhat fearing what tomorrow's DOMS will be like!!
My form was starting to fail me, as we were getting close to the end of the band work, but I smiled and loved every minute of it!

Such a great workout!

Looking forward to the next time I do this one!
i REALLY like the band! i did both upper body gym styles yesterday and legs this morning before work.. and i just love the way the band works!

the gym style is a great little series!!!!

i even like the band workout in stretch max... someone had mentioned they weren't going to keep it cuz they wanted to stretch their muscles and not the band... and after reading that i was thinking i wouldn't care for that particular workout... well.. it's my favorite of the three and you DO stretch your muscles.. very nicely! yum!

i'm quickly falling in love with all the hardcores! (still have a few more to do!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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