

I know I read about oatmeal a while ago. Cathe was explaining how good it is for you but it needs to be the one you cook (not instant). Ok... how do you cook oatmeal? Does it take too long? I have limited time in the mornings. I usualy have a protein shake and fruits or egg whites for breakfast...but really would like to try oatmeal... oh well...the one you have to cook...
LOL! I like steel cut oats and they're pretty popular around here. They take longer to cook, but you can make them ahead. I put 3 cups of water in a pot at night, boil it, throw in a cup of steel cut oats, turn off the heat, put a lid on the pot and leave it overnight. When I get up in the morning, all I have to do is heat it up, and it makes enough for several servings. You can put whatever toppings you like on it.
I eat oatmeal almost every morning! It's steel cut oats, takes about 30 to 35 min to cook. I make a big pot with several cups of oatmeal (my portion size is 1 cup cooked = 1/2 cup dry per day) which will last for several days and just keep it in the fridge. I just take it out every morning and warm it up with a little bit of water on the stove or in the mirco wave.

I sure don't have the time to cook it every morning either. So cooking in big batches helps a lot.

Every once in a while I run out (because my kids and DH eat more than I planned for) and I will use rolled oats or quinoa flakes, it cooks in a few minutes.

I add wheat germ, ground flax seed, bee pollen and fruit and eat it with either yogurt, kefir or milk.

So the Quacker quick oats are not very healthy? What about the regular Quacker oatmeal and making it in the microwave? Thanks
You can also make steel cut oats in the crock-pot (if you have one). Just put 4 cups of liquid (water, milk, half-and-half or a combo thereof) and one cup of steel cut oats in the crock pot and cook for 8-10 hours (overnight) on low. You can also add dried fruit if you like (raisins, cranberries, etc), about 1 cup. When you wake up, breakfast is ready!
One caution - either spray the crock with Pam or use a crock-pot bag because the oatmeal will stick.

Every Sunday I make a pot of steel cut oats and I use 12 cups water, 3 cups oats. I then fill up 10 1-cup plastic bowls with lids. My husband and I each have one ready for Monday through Friday to grab out the door to work. Heat in the microwave for 60 - 90 seconds.

One of my favorite ways to cook oatmeal is by steaming it. I don't like wallpaper paste texture of cooked oatmeal, so I found a way that results in a very chewy and nutty texture, whether you use steel cut oats or the rolled oats.

Put you desired oats in a steamer basket, pour boiling hot water over it, as it drains, bring about a cup of water to a boil in a pot, add the steamer basket and cover tightly. Steam for about 10 minutes for the rolled oats and about 15-20 minutes for the steel cut oats.

I do this once a week and keep the leftovers in the fridge for work.
I'm not sure where you live but I buy my steel oats from Trader Joes. They are in forzen 2 packs pre portioned to the right size and take 3 minutes in the microwave. I add flax seed, one table spoon of half and half, a teaspoon of honey, . . wheat germ, . .you know whatever is good for me. The last time I made steel oats oatmeal from scratch I felt like I could knit a sweater it does take a long time. You'll love it if you try it, . . it's in the frozen food section next to the ice cream, .. .hmmmm ice cream. (day dreaming)
I don't do much in the kitchen, but the oatmeal you "cook" can be cooked in the microwave, so even I can do it. :p

Just buy Quaker "old-fashioned" oats. Put a half cup in a bowl and add a few pinches of salt and a cup of skim milk. Microwave on high for 2 mins. and 50 secs. (I have this down to a science ;) ). Stir and allow to sit for about 5 mins. before eating. It takes less time than brewing a pot of coffee! :D :9

It looks like everyone answered your question, but here's how I make my steel cut oats. (which I either get out of the bins at the natural food store or also in the health food section at Kroger). Put 1 cup in a saucepan & turn on medium heat to toast. Stir a bit as the oats heat up (they start to have a wonderful toasted smell!) for a few minutes. Then add 3 cups of water (do NOT stir). Let them boil, then reduce heat so they're just lightly bubbling/ simmering. You can cover them a bit or just let them cook for about 20 min. Then stir & serve by 1/2 cup portions (1 cup will make 4 portions). Refrigerate the rest & just warm it up as you like! This is my dd's favorite breakfast! (and mine too!) I add a Tbsp. of ground flax, Tbsp. chopped walnuts, and a splash of light soymilk sometimes too. Or add some fruit, dried fruit, or anything else that sounds good. ;-)

You can cook steel cut oats in the microwave also, but I don't think they turn out nearly as well as on the stove. And old fashioned oats are yummy too!! I use old fashioned oatmeal to cook with a lot too- I add it to my banana bread, muffins, pancakes, etc. My kids don't mind. ;-)
>I took Shelley's idea of letting the oats soak overnight and
>it was wonderful! I was doing the 30 min cook at night and
>sticking it in the frig, but this is easier!The cleanup is
>better too - the pot is not as gooey.

I did that with the last batch I made, and I loved having only about 10 minutes of cooking the next morning.

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